How To Start A Business Under $100? – Best Guide Of 2022

by Startups Published on: 23 March 2022 Last Updated on: 24 March 2022

business under $100

Starting a new business can be a daunting task. This is because starting a new business requires a lot of investment initially, which can be challenging to manage for the average joe. This is why starting a business might seem impossible for everyday commoners like you and us. 

However, it does not mean that you cannot start a business just because you are short on capital. The world is changing at a dynamic pace, and new technology and trends are erupting one after the other. This has been fruitful in providing people with new ideas on how to start a small business

Therefore, if you are motivated to start a new business with only $100 in your pocket, this guide is for you. In this article, you will find further tips on starting a business and some of the best business under $100 ideas that you can invest in right now. 

Tips For Starting A Business Under $100

Tips For Starting A Business Under $100

Before you can start selecting a great business under $100 idea that you can bank on right now, you need to know what is required to start a business. Therefore, here are some graft tips by many successful business people that they recommend on how to start a business with no money. 

1. Have A Set Product/Service Idea

Before starting a business, you need to have a product or service in mind to provide value to consumers. This is necessary because if you provide products/services that already have many other companies selling them, it is not worth exploring. 

2. Understand The Market

Understanding the market for profitability and analyzing the competition is necessary before you start a new business. But, first, you need to research the product or service market you want to sell. This will give you a good idea of its base requirements and the steps the competitors take to run the business and earn profits. 

3. Make A Business Plan

After you are done researching and understanding the market of the product or service you want to provide, it is now time to create a business plan. This should include how you will arrange the capital (if you don’t have $100) and what products/services you are going to provide. 

Then, you need to decide how many employees you need (if any) and what your marketing and project management plan will be. This is important because there is a high chance you will have many competitors that sell the same products. 

A unique marketing plan and the product are necessary even to gain the initial sales. This will also differentiate your products from the competition.

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10 Business Under $100 You Can Start

Here are some great business under $100 ideas that will help you kickstart your journey as an entrepreneur. 

1. Private Tutoring

Private Tutoring

With the population of humankind increasing every year, the competition amongst students to land a good job after graduation has increased drastically. This has created a scenario where parents want their children to receive the best education possible and set them up for success. 

Therefore, becoming an after-school private tutor is an excellent idea for a new business under $100. In addition, you can provide classes to school and college students for a fee, which is excellent since doing so requires zero monetary investment from you. 

2. Freelancing


With the Covid pandemic forcing many people to stay home and work from home, freelancing has become pretty popular. Many web designing, graphic designing, coding, resume writing, and content writing professionals are freelancing as full-time jobs/businesses to pay their bills. 

You can do so by setting up your resume on sites like Fiverr, a hub for freelancers. Afterward, when you have gained enough experience and market knowledge, it is time for you to do so as a business under $100, like providing secretarial services, mobile repair, grocery delivery, and auto repair services. 

3. House Cleaning

House Cleaning

Believe it or not, house cleaning is one of the most demanded green cleaning services right now. Although mainly done by the rich people of society, it is quite profitable if you can do the job well. 

All you need on how to start a cleaning business is $100 to buy equipment, register your company name and websites/social media handles and pay the wages of one or two employees you need initially.

4. Web Designing

Web Designing

With the digital marketplace exploding with a bang in 2020 due to the pandemic, more and more websites are created every day. This has given full-stack developers the flexibility to flex their skills and provide web designing services. 

The best part of this business under $100 idea is that you do not need any investment at all. You only need to be a web developer and start this as a freelancer.

5. Blogging


Another segment of the digital marketplace is blogging. People in the west are keener on reading great informative articles that act as a marketing and advertising copy to sell more products. 

If you can make a name for yourself as a great marketing and affiliate blogger, you can see money flowing your way as more ads get shown on your page. All you need is a computer to write your blogs. 

6. Vending Machines

Vending Machines

If you are interested in starting a vending machine business, you have come to the right place. You can start this business under $100 since you only need to buy a vending machine and the products you will sell. 

7. Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has become a popular business under $100 option for people due to its boom in 2020. In addition, digital marketing has become essential for all companies because digital ads are seen more than traditional printed ads and provide better conversion rates. 

You only need to be a professional digital marketer for this business and set up your website and social media pages to interact with consumers and clients.

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8. Catering


If you are a good cook, you can easily set up a catering business under $100. All you need are the proper cooking equipment and a team of cooks and a chef to make delicious dishes at banquets and marriage parties. 

9. Tax Filing

Tax Filing

With more and more businesses rising every day, you can turn it into a profit by helping them file their taxes. Doing so is profitable because many small-scale companies look for tax filers to file their income tax reports. 

10. Graphic Designing

Graphic Designing

With digital marketing, graphic designing and logo design has become famous for starting a business under $100. This is because catchy and attractive advertisements require visually appealing designs to catch the viewers’ attention and convert them into customers. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. Can You Start A Business With 100$?

Yes, you can start a business under $100. 

Q2. Which Is The Cheapest Business To Start?

The cheapest business to start is graphic designing, web designing, and other digital marketing services, to name a few. 

Q3. What Business Can I Start With 100lbs?

With 100lbs, you can start businesses like babysitting, house cleaning, gardening, running an eBay business, and more. 

Q4. What Business Can I Start With $50?

With $50, you can start babysitting, gardening, blogging, and even consultancy. 


With the business marketplace expanding rapidly every day, it has become quite a profitable option. However, since gathering the capital to start a business has become more challenging, many business under $100 ideas have erupted over time. This is important because all companies start small and expand over time. 

These ideas include blogging, digital marketing, graphic designing, house cleaning, private tutorship, and lots more. All these choices are effective as a small business startup to expand upon time to become something more significant. Who knows when you might end up on the Forbes list of the wealthiest people in business?

If you now have a better idea of starting a business under $100, then share this with your friends as well!

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Debamalya is a professional content writer from Kolkata, India. Constantly improving himself in this industry for more than three years, he has amassed immense knowledge regarding his niches of writing tech and gaming articles. He loves spending time with his cats, along with playing every new PC action game as soon as possible.

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