Effective Ways Make Your Resume Attractive

by Job & Career Published on: 21 January 2022 Last Updated on: 21 April 2022

Your Resume

Searching for jobs in this competitive world is pretty hard. Many people, after they receive their graduation degree or even after they have completed higher education, are unable to get a job successfully.

Some are unable to get their desired job, the job that they will love to do. Companies always want a skilled person who is diligent and always good at their jobs. But, how can you approach a company and convince them that you are the one that they are looking for?

You need to give them your resume so that they can learn about you and see if you are the one they are searching for. But, people always mess up with their resumes.

Companies do not like to see page after page; they want to know all about your skill in a very short and crisp way. Hence, it is a very common mistake that people make; they are unable to find or make the ideal resumes with which they can apply for a job. This article about jobs for seniors should help you cover all your bases.

Why do you need a resume?

A resume is a simple document that an applicant has to create to show their qualifications, skills, and many more. In complete words, they want to show their profession like in one paper. With time, the resume has also evolved.

Earlier, the companies wanted all information about the applicants, but with time and the competition, companies do not prefer long resumes; they want it a short one or two pages and attractive with the required skills.

The resume will give them all the information that they need to know about you and if you are qualified for the job or not.

What are the common mistakes made while making a resume?

Your Resume

A typical resume will follow a format and include all the necessary information summarising your professional knowledge. People will always make mistakes in their resumes which they need to avoid to get the job. Here is the list of mistakes done by people while creating their resumes:

1. More than two page

Your Resume

Companies do not like too long resumes; they always want straight to the point and crisp resumes that give all necessary details about your skillset. You need to shorten your resume to one or two pages. It also creates a good impression of you to the company’s employees.

2. Inapplicable work experience

Sometimes, people add inapplicable work experience, which is not required for the job. A recruiter would not like to know the various places you have worked in before; they would like to know if you have any experience in that particular field. Hence it is a major mistake.

3. Not giving sufficient details

Sometimes people do not mention their phone number, email ids, or address in their resume or education qualification properly. This is recorded as insufficient details. The company will always want to communicate with you, and it can be done through phone or email or by sending a letter to your address.

4. Not giving professional accomplishments

It is essential to mention your professional accomplishments in your resume. If you are an experienced person, you need to mention what you have accomplished from your previous jobs and what have you learned that you have implemented. This gives an insight into you and the work you have done for the recruiter.

5. Mention of irrelevant skills

Mentioning a skill set that won’t be required in the job is irrelevant. For example, if you are applying for a job in marketing, they will not like to know if you know coding or any other software or not. This is a very common mistake done in a resume.

6. Grammatical and formatting mistakes

Another most common mistake is the grammatical and formatting mistake in a resume. The company will always want a simple, elegant, and free of any grammatical mistake.

Seeing a grammatical mistake will make a very bad impression on the recruiters. Formatting a resume in the wrong way will also make a bad compression. You can check out the resume builder to know more about the formatting of a CV.

Tips to make your resume attractive

Your Resume

Every recruiter will judge you based on your appearance and your resume. Some people will say that you should decorate your resume, but it is not necessary; no one wants to see vibrant decorating colors which are not soothing to their eyes.

Hence always keep it very simple and use warm colors. Here are some tips that will help you to make your resume attractive:

1. Begin with a strong summary

It is always impressive to begin your resume with a strong introduction. You should give a small summary of your skills and important accomplishments in your career. This will help to impress the recruiters and give a small knowledge about your personality.

2. Customize your resumes

Your Resume

You should always customize your resume according to the needs of the company. If you have experience, then you should write about your previous jobs and your accomplishments. But if you are a fresher, you should make different CVs for different job roles.

3. Show industry understanding

You should show the recruiter that you have knowledge about the industry and how it functions. This will impress the recruiter and acknowledge your knowledge of the industry. You should mention it in your resume.

4. Emphasize your growth and changes

You should emphasize your growth in your resume. The recruiter should know about how you have grown in the past years and different changes in your professional and personal journey. You should show them how much you have achieved. The recruiter will learn a lot about your personality through it.

5. Make your resume stand out

It is important to make your resume stand out from the lot. Using various strong resume keywords, emphasizing your growth, and most importantly, following a simple yet powerful format and warm colors will help you to stand out.

Using different colors and writing styles will show the recruiter your personality and how much responsibility you can handle.


Making the perfect resume can be hard but not impossible; you need to go through all the tips so that you can make the perfect resume. Searching for jobs is difficult, but if you have the skillset and the resume which will perfectly describe your professional life, it will help you gain the ideal job. Hence, learning new skills and emphasizing your resume are equally important.

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Arnab is a Passionate blogger. He loves to share sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. If you want to read refulgent blogs so please follow RealWealthBusiness.

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