Digital Marketing: Best Strategies to Grow Your Startup Business

by Marketing Published on: 15 October 2020 Last Updated on: 03 June 2021

Digital Marketing Strategies

As a startup business, you need to make sure that you’re ready and prepared to put in a lot of effort into gaining viewers and customers. After all, you’re starting from scratch and will have to catch up with the existing (and upcoming) competition you’ll have. With hundreds of companies working under your industry, you’ll need to step up your digital marketing strategy.

Sure, you can hire a leading digital marketing strategy to do the job, but it’s best to know the ropes for when you begin brainstorming with your marketing team. That way, you can start handling the ropes of your business to garner more customers to reach goals. But where can you start in devising a digital marketing strategy?

Read on to find out what you should try doing for your Startup business!

The Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Your Startup Business

With the many digital marketing strategies, it can get confusing with what strategy you should prioritize. Check out these strategies you can perform to help with your startup:

1. Email Marketing

Email Marketing

While people have assumed that email is dying in the marketing world, this is still around and actually delivering an excellent return of investment to digital marketers. In fact, a recent survey conducted shows that email marketing has a return of investment of 122%, which is way higher compared to other marketing channels.

That’s why it’s high-time to implement email marketing into your strategies, starting off with a good email copy and garnering contacts to send your newsletters to. This helps bring brand awareness and generate leads to interested people.

3. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is one of the most powerful digital marketing tools recently, with 90% of marketers confirming that social media is crucial to businesses. After email marketing, social media is an excellent strategy for startup businesses.

With social media marketing, you have increased exposure and traffic, as well as more loyal customers and better search ranking, which generate leads and sales.

You can begin growing your brand on social media by building your authority on your platforms, as well as creating and posting high-quality content consistently.

While this can be a bit challenging, there are helpful tools to get you started, scheduling your posts and monitoring what’s trending to give you an idea of what to post.

4. Pay-Per-Click Marketing

Pay-Per-Click Marketing

Pay-per-click marketing (PPC) is another effective method that helps bring the right visitors to your site. It can help generate sales-ready leads. You should NOT ignore PPC marketing, especially as a startup business! It can give you various benefits, such as a higher return on investment, budget control, as well as accurate data and insights.

However, you need to make sure you budget it correctly and use the right keywords to get you accurate results.

5. Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Every website owner and digital marketer knows all about search engine optimization (SEO). And if you think you’re already doing great with SEO because your site has a great design and all the service pages required, you’re wrong!

Remember, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of websites that are under your niche. You will need to strategize to keep your website on top of search engine results pages, using the right keywords while building the navigable website people will be satisfied with.

Not only will SEO increase traffic, but trust. When your site is on top of search results when people search for certain keywords, people will think you’re reputable, choosing your business to work with.

When improving website SEO, keep track of the SEO with tools, as well as conducting regular keyword research. Continue tracking your SERP rankings and analyzing your competitors, knowing what they do so you can take a step higher. This is just the beginning, but a solid start to getting you the sales and leads.

6. Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is becoming a growing trend that continues to be effective. Marketers believe that influencer marketing is effective, launching at least one of these campaigns in the next year.

This strategy is great for a startup to grow your brand, as it is a more affordable strategy compared to other marketing channels. Furthermore, most customers will trust popular and reputable influencers, which increase engagements and sales.

You can start this marketing strategy by tapping relevant influencers who are experts in your niche. Provided that you find a good proposal that fits your budget while giving you effective results, it can give you a high return on investment without spending too much.

7. Content Marketing

A lot of people tend to underestimate content marketing, but it’s an absolute must, regardless of what kind of business you’re in.

Content marketing is extremely effective, as it’s a crucial part of your buying journey. With useful content, your target audience will find your information valuable, as it will solve their problem. This will build trust, increasing sales, and conversion rates.

When you begin implementing content marketing strategies, you will be able to increase brand visibility and recognition, build good connections with your viewers and customers, as well as build your authority, improve SEO, and create thought leadership.

You can begin creating high-quality content by coming up with new and unique content ideas centered around your niche. There are also tools that help you find the best content for whatever target keyword you have, giving you an idea of what to post. Besides this, make sure you post regularly and consistently to establish your following and have them trust you.

 Wrapping It Up

There are many new and innovative brands popping up daily, but climbing the ladder to success isn’t an easy one with all the competition. While you may not be able to get a full-fledged marketing team just yet with a limited budget, you can start creating a digital marketing strategy yourself to start reaching target audiences at lower costs compared to traditional marketing.

Now that you have a clearer picture of effective digital marketing strategies to work with, start reaching goals to gain a profit. If you have any questions or want to share your experiences, comment below!

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Mashum Mollah is a digital marketing analyst, SEO consultant and enthusiastic internet marketing blogger. He is very much passionate about social media and he is the founder Social Media Magazine.

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