Top Web Design Ideas to take your Business to the Next Level

by Business Development Published on: 07 March 2017 Last Updated on: 22 April 2019

Web Design Ideas

Back in the day, the debate was about whether or not businesses should have websites. Trends have shifted and tremendous changes have taken place. With more than 80% of Americans having access to reliable internet services, it is no longer a question of having a website for your business; everyone does.

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Instead, the focus is now on what the website should be able to do. That explains why there is an attempt to adopt certain web design ideas aimed at improving customer experience and boosting brand awareness every year. Eventually, this will translate to more conversions from the website and better revenues. To achieve this, one needs to understand the market trends and consumers’ response to them. For someone who is planning to make his website attractive and profitable this year, we have a way forward for you.

Flat Design is the trend:

Google launched material designing that takes into consideration grid-based layouts. Such effects rely on shadows and lighting in creating depth together with responsive transitions. In the new wake of smartphone popularity, users are now looking forward to that in websites, especially the mobile versions. The comfortable and unique experience offered by material design promise better conversions from websites. Web designers must embrace such trends, the ones that draw inspiration from paper and inks to design more realistic visual cues.

Card Design is here to stay:

After the initial inception by Pinterest, card design layout has found its way into the web design industry, reshaping trends and shifting allegiances. In the proceeding months, you should not be surprised to see more of this revolutionary grid style. The simplicity, flexibility, and high responsiveness offered by this web design style make it almost irresistible. For pages that are crowded with data, Las Vegas Web Design Co experts recommend grid layout since it guarantees better appeal and accessibility. It gives business owners an opportunity to offer something outstanding to their audience.

Unique Layouts:

The last few years have exhibited significant shifts in the role of designers. The design has moved from late ‘optimization stage’ to real competitive advantage. The most amazing part of the evolution is the realization by web designers that people visit websites for content and not the design. Whether it is for lengthy informative content, memes or tweetstorms, designers have come to agree with the fact that their role entails presenting such content in the most effective and intuitive way. To make the most out of your website in this era, you have to take note of that.

Opt for unique layouts that provide better focus on the content. Your clients appreciate a good web layout and glamorous physique but what will make them come back is the content. That explains the recent surge in minimalist designs.

The structure of your website and the general design has a significant role in enhancing brand awareness. Keeping up with the latest web design trends ensures that you reap the most out of your web features. This post gives you a perfect start.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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