How to Get More Clients: 8 Tips for Professional Tarot Readers

by How to Guides Published on: 23 January 2019 Last Updated on: 06 May 2023

how to get more clients

In recent years, tarot’s popularity has spiked. As a professional reader, though, you’re not in it for the money. But you do want more clients to see you, so how do you get people interested in tarot to buy a reading from you?

Even though tarot reading isn’t a traditional business, it’s still useful to learn how to get more clients. You can use some marketing tips that apply to all kinds of businesses, as well as more specific strategies to get results.

When you get more clients, you can use your tarot skills to change lives. Ready to learn how to find opportunities for more readings? We’ve got the answers right here.

8 Tips for Professional Tarot Readers:

1. Start with a Free Offer:

If you’re just getting started as a tarot reader, it’s a good idea to start getting your clients hooked by offering free reading.

You don’t want to give your services away for free forever, of course. But free trials work well in many businesses, and tarot is no exception. It gives people the chance to give your skills a try or to see if tarot is right for them. If a client loves their free tarot reading, they’ll probably come back for more.

You can join free reading networks, or just advertise free readings on your social media and other spaces.

2. Go Above and Beyond:

For the clients you have, make sure to always go the extra mile. If you do everything you can to keep them coming back to you, they probably won’t start looking for readings somewhere else.

Do as much as you can to keep your clients happy. This will turn them into repeat customers who are more likely to recommend you to their friends and family members. Happy clients turn into more clients for you.

3. Have Unique Offers:

You can set yourself apart from the crowd of tarot readers by creating interesting offers that other readers don’t give.

For example, think about the times when people might want a reading, and build offer packages based on that. You might offer a graduation reading package, a new relationship reading package, or another creative offer.

These reading packages can include multiple readings to walk your customers through every step of their process. You can also add extra gifts like meditation assistance, crystals, or more take-homes for clients.

4. Use Giveaways:

Those little take-home gifts can also help you get more readers fast. People usually remember someone who gave them a gift.

A thoughtful tarot-related giveaway with your name and contact information attached will get people coming back for more readings.

5. Know Your Clients:

The better you understand your clients, the easier it becomes to reach them.

You can set yourself apart by targeting exactly the clients who want your readings. You aren’t the same as every other reader out there, are you? Therefore, you’ll need to think about what kind of client would benefit the most from your unique services, and then work on reaching them.

Your ideal clients aren’t just people who want a tarot reading. You need to get more specific than that.

Think about certain age ranges, lifestyle choices, and other factors that your clients will have. Create profiles for your different target clients, with names and detailed descriptions that help you really understand them.

6. Post Local Flyers:

Although it’s a bit old-school, one of the best ways to find new clients involves advertising on paper.

Once you know your target client, you can figure out where they hang out. Get flyers or business cards made and post them at the restaurants, clubs, cafes, and other places where your potential clients will see them.

Your flyers don’t have to be fancy; simple design with a couple of eye-catching words will work well. Just make sure your contact info is easy to see, and don’t forget a call to action (like “contact me today!”).

7. Write about Tarot:

Writing cool blog posts for your website or social media sites will show that you’re an expert. As they get shared online, more possible clients will read them and reach out to you.

You can also partner up with other people to get more attention to your online posts. Maybe interview someone in the industry who you admire, and see if they’ll share the post with their followers.

The more you work together with others, the better your results will be. Write about the Tarot to connect with the tarot community around you, and you’ll soon get more clients.

8. Give and Ask:

Tarot is all about giving and asking.

First, give. Offer high-quality readings to all your clients, even if it’s just a free reading. Provide strategies, tips, and all the information that can possibly help them navigate their situation well.

Give out free readings or giveaways as often as you can. And give your information by writing about tarot, taking speaking engagements, or attending events.

After you’ve given to the best of your ability, you can also ask.

Ask possible new clients if they’ll let you help them. Ask if they’re ready to embark on the life changes they’ve been dreaming of. Most importantly, ask them to go ahead and buy a reading, or share this information with someone else.

Ask as though they’ll never say “no.” The more confident you sound, the better your chances of getting results.

Now You Know How to Get More Clients — Let’s Get Started!

Knowing how to get more clients will put you on the path to a successful tarot career. With these simple, intuitive tips, you can quickly grow your customer base and start making more money from readings. Few things are more rewarding than getting paid to help people build the lives they want.

As you grow your client base, keep working on your personal brand to get even more opportunities. Not sure how to build a personal brand? Learn more here!

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to business and marketing, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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