7 Clever Marketing Tips to Grow Your Roofing Business

by Marketing Published on: 11 May 2018 Last Updated on: 18 September 2018

Roofing Business

The roofing industry is made up of nearly 150,000 roofers.

What’s more, this industry is only likely to grow within the coming years. Roofs are always in demand, and the majority of homeowners require roof repair work at some point.

In such a competitive industry, it can be difficult to identify ways to grow your roofing business.

You may feel as if your current roofing marketing efforts simply are not paying off.

In this post, we’ll look at the top seven roofing advertising ideas you can implement today to experience the business growth you deserve!

1. Educate Your Customers :

One of the best ways to engage with your customers through any form of roofing marketing is to give them the information they need.

You may know the ins and outs of roof installation and replacement, but your customers may not.

In fact, some homeowners may even assume that their roof won’t require further attention in its lifespan. They may be unsure about roof maintenance.

As you brainstorm roofing advertising ideas, identify ways that you can educate your customers about their roofs.

This may mean starting a blog on your website and writing posts designed to inform customers about roof care and replacement.

Discuss things customers should keep in mind when searching for a roofer. Write about signs that a home requires a new roof.

If you are savvy with a camera, create a series of informational YouTube videos. Share these on social media profiles or your website itself.

Some roofers launch webinars and give customers infographics, both intended for educational purposes.

Customers are more likely to prefer roofing businesses that are well established in the industry. They will respond well to a roofing and that gives them valuable and relevant information.

2. Be Active on Social Media :

Approximately 68% of adults use Facebook. As a roofer, you can easily tap into a large market of homeowners and people in need of roof repairs by being active on social media.

Choose one or two social media platforms most likely to leverage your roofing advertising efforts.

Facebook is ideal for roofers because it enables you to set up a business profile. Instagram may also be ideal for your business as it is image-driven and enables in-app messaging.

Make sure your social media profiles include all relevant contact information and clear images. Include links to your website and other social media accounts.

Enable messaging so that you can connect in real time with customers. Do your best to stay active on your accounts, posting an even mix of advertisements, educational information, and re-shares.

If you’re keen to jump aboard video marketing, check out Facebook Live as a means of further engaging potential customers.

3. Participate in Local Events :

As a roofing business owner, your company thrives on local markets. Make the most of your local audience by becoming a community presence.

Participate in local events, or better yet, launch one yourself! Become a sponsor of a fundraiser or charity gathering.

Reach out to other local businesses who are non-competitors, such as interior design or architecture companies. Ask if they would be interested in hosting a partnered event.

Events can help put a face to your business’s name and enable you to engage with customers personally. This can help establish your credibility as a reliable local resource.

Use Facebook to set up and advertise roofing events.

4. Implement SEO :

Millions of people use Google on a daily basis to search for businesses, products, and information.

In fact, Google processes about 40,000 searches a second!

Successful roofing advertising incorporates Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Effective SEO helps make your online content more visible in search results on Google.

Make sure that your website content is optimized for Google searches. This means integrating popular keywords into your web copy.

Some trending keywords in the roofing industry may be “roof repair” or “roofer in Illinois.”

If you maintain a blog, you can optimize individual blog posts for industry keywords.

Learn more about the great value of an SEO strategy here.

Google has some helpful guidelines for implementing SEO. Check them out now to get started on your optimization.

5. Launch a Solid Website :

Your website functions a lot like a business card. It gives customers a quick overview of what you have to offer.

Your website can make a significant impression on visitors, and even determine if they give you a call or purchase services.

Spend some time crafting a website designed to captivate visitors and grow your customer base.

A solid roofer’s website is professional, informative, and clear. It should be easy to navigate and free of grammatical or spelling errors.

A powerful website is also responsively designed, meaning that its content can adapt to fit the screen of any device accessing it. Responsive design is key in an age of mobile device users.

Finally, a Frequently Asked Questions page can go a long way in leveraging your advertising efforts. An FAQ page can give customers the information they need to make a purchase decision.

Check out www.charlotteroofing.com for a great example of a professional roofer’s website!

6. Send Out E-Newsletters :

Email can be a powerful way for you to engage with customers. A brief and informative e-newsletter can be your secret to keeping clients and gathering more.

E-newsletters are also quite affordable. It’s possible to launch an email campaign for as low as $7 a month, for example.

In your e-newsletter, include information about promotions or discounts. Newsletters also give you ample space to talk up your blog, highlight a past project, or answer common questions.

7. Encourage Online Reviews :

90% of consumers inspect online reviews before visiting a business.

Online reviews can offer you a powerful means of roofing advertising, especially if they are consistent and positive.

It’s possible to acquire reviews through a Facebook business profile or citations on Yelp, Yellow Pages, and Angie’s List.

Claiming a Google listing also enables customers to leave reviews of your services.

Encourage customers to leave online reviews by offering discounts or other incentives to those who do. Showcase positive reviews on your website or social media profile to bolster your reputation.

Roofing Marketing Strategies for Your Business :

Effective roofing marketing can help you reach the clients you need to maintain a thriving roofing business.

When brainstorming roofing advertising ideas, think about educating your customers and engaging with them on social media. Incorporate SEO into a powerful website.

Don’t forget about the power of online reviews and e-newsletters, either!

Real Wealth Business is all about offering you the information you need to achieve true corporate success. Check out our further resources for business development now!

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to business and marketing, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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