What is Gatsby.js And What Is It Useful For?

by Information Technology Published on: 04 May 2022 Last Updated on: 25 September 2024


Gatsby.js is an open-source framework that is used to develop applications and websites.

This framework uses React to make a website that works with a data source of your choice, whether it is CMS, Markdown, or anything else.

Gatsby takes the chosen data and converts it into the files for the purpose of productivity improvement. These files contain only the necessary:

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Such a selection of data makes websites made with Gatsby.js work enormously quickly.

What is more, these websites also proactively upload resources so that when you click on something, it runs immediately. If you want such a website for yourself, OTAKOYI Gatsby development services are at your service.

What Does Gatsby.js Do?

First and foremost, Gatsby is creating progressive building blocks for web development. Instead of developing new components every time you start a project, it makes the whole process easier by creating so-called building blocks.

Secondly, Gatsby creates the system of “Content Mesh.” The thing is that earlier, the only possible way to create content websites was the use of CMSs (Content Management Systems).

That was an all-in-one solution. However, after some time, certain functions like search or payments started to be executed by specialized tools.

The consequences were that these tools were improved drastically, but the CMS apps such as Adobe Experience Manager and Sitecore did not have undergone the principal changes.

In order to solve the problem with CMSs, Gatsby.js is going to build a Content Mesh, an additional layer of the website that is decoupled. This layer is going to connect content systems in an optimized development environment.

This largely improves the performance of the website. Besides, it makes the work of developers easier while the workflows of content creators remain uninterrupted.

Finally, Gatsby makes web development effortless. Each of the website developers can observe the results of their work quickly. One of the examples of this is the gatsby-image component.

Usually, in order to post a picture on a website, you need a few things. Firstly, you design a page. Secondly, you choose specific pictures. After that, these pictures have to be resized in order to suit different devices. Only then, this image will be imported into HTML, CSS, and JS.

That is not the case with Gatsby. Gatsby-image uses Gatsby’s data layer processing. Besides, graphic helps with the requests for the different sizes of images. All of that results in the next changes in the process described above:

  1. You install gatsby-image.
  2. Figure out what size of images you need.
  3. Add the gatsby-image component and query to the webpage.

Isn’t it easier? Together with that, Gatsby’s building blocks are quick, secure, and SEO-friendly. Therefore, using Gatsby for your website will make it a high-quality product due to the sole fact of the use of Gatsby.

Static Site Generator and Much More

Static Site Generator and Much More

Yes, Gatsby is a perfect tool for Static Site Generation, but its function is not limited by this. In fact, Gatsby can be used to create Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that have authentication, dynamic interactions, and a lot of the other benefits of a modern web application.

React DOM server-side APIs that are creating the static content are the reason for such a possibility. First of all, it generates HTML, and then React takes care of it.

This means that Gatsby.js is responsible for rendering static content, which is later transferred to the front end that is controlled by React. As a consequence, these websites can function in a way that any other React web app can.

Such an approach makes use of the best of two technologies. The thing is that you benefit from both: static HTML as well as client-side React.

Such a website always makes the most from SEO optimization, performs well, and has a generally better TTI. Besides, they are easily distributed and effortlessly deployed.

When Should You Use Gatsby.js?

When Should You Use Gatsby.js?

Here is the list of what Gatsby.js can help you with:

  • Raise the conversion rates and sell more
  • Improve your marketing campaigns
  • To be more competitive online
  • To provide high-quality UX
  • To decrease the maintenance costs
  • To scale easily

What Benefits Has Gatsby for Developers?

What Benefits Has Gatsby for Developers?

Choosing a framework that makes the developers’ work easier is often an underestimated part of successful projects. The thing is that the speed of work and convenience will always directly influence the result. Gatsby successfully addresses the needs of modern web development.

First of all, its custom cloud makes the builds much faster. Besides, it allows the previews for the changes made in CMS in real-time. The previews possibilities also include the previews of the whole website so that it was possible to review it and avoid unnecessary mistakes.

Secondly, React, GraphQL and Webpack provide Gatsby with a modern workflow. In such a way, the developers who use Gatsby may make use of the best features from React and graphQL.

Finally, Gatsby is easy to learn. What further facilitates the learning process is the high-quality documentation of Gatsby. It is also may be used by advanced Gatsby developers to learn about the full potential of this framework.


To sum up, Gatsby.js is an advanced framework that allows you to create high-standard websites, static websites, PWAs, and much more. If you find out that Gatsby suits your project requirements, then it would be a perfect choice. This framework facilitates the development process and at the same time creates extremely fast websites. What is more, its websites are SEO friendly, which is always good for the purposes of marketing and lead generation.

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Author Bio: Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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