How To Start A B2B Lead Generation Process

by Marketing Published on: 22 April 2022 Last Updated on: 14 December 2023

B2B lead generation

Businesses are facing uncertainty due to the global political and economic situation. Many are complaining about a dip in sales, making it challenging for their business to survive. Apart from this, each sector is facing increasing competition.

As each competitor is vying for the same market share, businesses need to be innovative regarding lead generation. It becomes even more crucial when operating in the B2B environment.

However, there is no cause for worry. This article will act as a guide and tell you everything there is to know about B2B lead generation. So, if you are operating as a B2B service or product organization, this article is a must-read.

Before we start our discussion, we would like to discuss the term ‘lead’ itself. The reason is that many people have an incorrect understanding of it.

What is a Lead?

Whether you operate in B2B services, B2B products, or the B2C sector, a lead is not a sale. A lead is an individual who shows interest in your product or service. If you are in the mortgage business for example, you can consider buying mortgage leads.

Experts at lead generation company Prism Marketing Group state that there are different platforms and campaigns that can help you generate qualified leads for your business. Great marketing companies use SEO, SMM, PPC, and other content marketing strategies to help you get leads for your business.

For example, you need a new laptop. Your friend recommends at least 16 GB RAM and 256 GB SSD. You visit different shops, look at the laptops, and show interest in a few. You are a lead from their business.

Techniques for Lead Generation:

Techniques for Lead Generation

There are different techniques for lead generation. The above example is of word to mouth marketing. There are several others, including:

1. Emails

Open your email right now and go to the junk/spam folder. You will see countless emails. Most of these emails are promotional. Unfortunately, the email servers tag them as spam/junk.

It is a bit harsh on the businesses as they spend considerable time and resources on their email campaign. There is a workaround if you provide lead generation services or market your product/service through emails.

Belkins has a tool called Folderly, which ensures that any promotional email is delivered directly to the recipients’ inbox rather than the spam/junk folder. Several others offer similar services.

So, if you are fed up with your email campaign not delivering any meaningful leads, we recommend Belkins. Once your emails are delivered to the inbox, you will see increased leads.

2. Social Media

While there are many downsides to social media, we cannot ignore its importance in lead generation. According to Statista, there are more than four billion active social media users.

It provides marketers and sellers with a unique opportunity. All they need is a compelling post, and leads will follow. Even influencers promoting a specific product are a perfect example of how organizations use social media for lead generation.

Related Resource: B2B Marketers: How to Convert Website Visitors into Leads and Sales

3. Content Marketing

Any content that you see is an opportunity for lead generation. For example, if you are reading an article with a backlink to a product or service, it is trying to generate leads.

If you see a YouTuber promoting a product in their podcast, it is another example of lead generation. In short, all forms of content can be helpful in lead generation.

4. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

If someone is browsing your website/online store, they are a potential lead. With the help of SEO, you can improve your website’s ranking in the search engine. When your ranking increases, more people will visit the website. Hence, the number of leads increases.

5. Google Ads

Another popular lead generation technique is Google Ads. Most of the ads you see on YouTube or during a search are related to a product or service.

6. Offline Leads

The earlier examples are all online leads. Businesses often use a mix of online and offline lead generation. If you see a brochure or a billboard advertisement, they are trying to generate leads. Even an ad on the subway or the side of a bus are examples of offline lead generation.

In short, there are multiple ways to generate leads. Each technique has its pros and cons. Ultimately, your budget, business type, and requirements will determine the method you must use for lead generation. Now, let us get back to our topic.

B2B Lead Generation Process:

Businessman holding tablet and management group of people in his hand. Premium Photo

Regardless of the technique, the following process helps generate B2B leads:

1. Update your B2B Client List

The first thing that you must ensure is that you have the latest client list. How to do this? You need to create an ICP, which is known as an ideal client profile or ideal customer profile.

You need to identify your target market and look for commonalities—for example, business type, size, finances, or behavioral patterns. After you identify these, the targeted campaigns provide meaningful leads.

If you are having trouble developing the ICP, you can utilize the services of a specialist organization. They can create a detailed ICP for your organization.

2. Calls and Emails

You might think that cold calling and emails are outdated, but that is not the case. They remain as effective as before. All you need is to have the right strategy.

Ensure that your email address does not sound unprofessional or fraudulent. Set up a professional email and then create a compelling message. You can use a professional content writer who specializes in email writing for this purpose.

Ensure that you include meaningful information but do not include everything. You must leave the reader wanting more. If you opt for calls, you need to have a script.

Ask your call center agent or the responsible person to rehearse the script and come up with responses to different scenarios. Please ensure that you pick the right time to call.

3. Set up a Chatbot

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has resulted in human-like chatbots. It is challenging to determine if you are talking to a human or a chatbot.

Instead of hiring resources to work throughout the day, we recommend setting up a chatbot. Your leads can talk to the chatbot if they require any information. You can follow up with the lead in the morning.

4. Use the Power of Social Media

Whether it is B2B services or products, do not discount the importance of social media. LinkedIn is the most popular platform for B2B lead generation. Therefore, ensure that you have a strong presence on it.

5. Create Meaningful Content

Everyone likes meaningful content. You can use blog posts, social proof, videos, infographics, or other content forms to generate B2B leads.


The last strategy is to personalize. Whether it is an individual or an organization, everyone takes a liking to a personalized approach.

Therefore, whether it is a product, service, marketing campaign, or message, personalize it for each client. If this is not possible, you can personalize it based on personas, demographics, or segments.

Wrap Up

It concludes our article on B2B lead generation. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the content, please let us know.

Lastly, when selecting B2B lead generation services, we recommend going through their reviews and talking to their past clients. It will help you ensure that you hire the right company.

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Arnab is a Passionate blogger. He loves to share sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. If you want to read refulgent blogs so please follow RealWealthBusiness.

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