All You Need To Get Started With SMS For Real Estate Marketing

by Real Estate Published on: 28 September 2022 Last Updated on: 29 September 2022

SMS For Real Estate Marketing

When we talk about online shoppers, this does not always mean that they are 100% ready to buy a certain product.

Marketers use completely different strategies to attract them. They must make every effort to interest a potential buyer to make a purchase.

If we are talking about clients interested in buying real estate, then they have a serious intention. However, in real estate, it is also important to retain and attract a client so that he does not turn to another realtor or real estate agency.

What do specialists do to attract and retain customers most often? They rely on email marketing, and social media banner ads and optimize their websites.

These are good methods. However, in real estate, every client is important, because this is how realtors make money. In this regard, how you communicate with customers and what channels you use are important.

Emails may remain unread. Phone calls may go unanswered. At the same time, clients are likely to open and answer SMS messages because they are as concise and to the point as possible.

Thus, we conclude that text message marketing for real estate is by far the most effective method of interacting with customers.

When searching for property, prospective homeowners want to receive up-to-date information regarding listings to find their dream home as soon as possible.

We will talk about why text SMS marketing is effective. We will also share what you need to consider to start contacting both potential and existing customers via SMS.

Top Benefits For Real Estate Agents:

How many times a day do you check your phone? You probably do this a lot of times. You, as a realtor, should always be in touch. Thus, your phone is always at hand.

Everyone else checks their phone often, too. We can conclude that your SMS will not go unnoticed by customers.

Apart from this, there are also other benefits of sending text messages:

  • You can make personal contact. Usually, email messages are not expected to be answered by buyers. They contain information that buyers can read and if they like the offer, they will make a call to action. However, text messages serve to continue communication. Thus, you can easily and quickly find out about the needs of the client, make an appointment with him or suggest an interesting listing for him;
  • It speeds up the process of obtaining information. For example, if you’re setting up a house for sale sign, you can use a short code that potential buyers can send a message to. This way, they will get all the important information about that property. A text marketing platform automates this process so that prospects get instant responses.
  • It is cost-effective. Compared to other marketing tools, text messaging is the most beneficial. In addition, depending on which SMS marketing service you use, you can get an attractive offer.

Use cases:

Since text messages are short, you can’t waste precious characters on greetings. Each of your messages should be of some value to customers.

SMS Marketing

Here’s what you can use them for:

1. Remind cold leads of you

Surely, you have a list of clients who suddenly disappeared from your radar. You don’t want to lose the opportunity to convert them. Send them text messages and ask if they are still in the process of looking for housing. There is no harm in trying to remind them of your services.

2. Report available properties

When a property for sale comes up on the market, you’ll want to inform prospective clients. If you’re just posting a new listing on your website, then the likelihood that someone will respond immediately is low.

In this case, set up an MMS where you can insert a high-quality picture of the house along with basic information about it. Interested customers will be grateful for your prompt information.

3. Send an invitation to an event

With a list of potential clients, nothing stops you from sending out open house invitations. You can even ask customers if they’re going to come or not by asking them for a short response.

In this way, customers will know what events you are holding, as well as when they take place. In addition, you will understand how many visitors you need to count on.

What Do You Need To Get Started?

1. Use a text marketing platform

You don’t want to manually send each client a private message. It will only take your time and energy. Instead, you can take advantage of platforms that make text message marketing for small business a breeze.

Platforms may offer you integration with your CRM so that you can use known information as well as contribute new information. You can automate the process of sending text messages, as well as set the time of their sending. Create marketing campaigns and save them for future clients.

2. Prepare messages 

You should prepare messages that you can send to your customers. They should be short, but such that customers want to get more information. For example, if you’re texting about a new listing, include a link that customers can click on to get full details, as well as high-quality images of the property.

For each case, prepare several options for messages, and then you can automate them. Save them to use when the number of leads grows.

3. Expand your contact base

If you want to contact potential clients you met at the open house, you need their phone numbers. You can have their first name, and last name, and you can also know at what address they live. However, without a phone number, you will not be able to contact them.

Modern bulk texting platforms offer the ability to find a phone number in seconds. If you have a list of such clients, then you can simply download it and get their phone numbers.


While other real estate agents are using expensive marketing tools to attract and retain clients, you can go the easy route. All you have to do is get into SMS marketing. Messages are viewed and answered more often than emails and phone calls.

Concision is your friend when writing. You can quickly connect with customers and send them only the most valuable information that they may be interested in. 

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Arnab is a Passionate blogger. He loves to share sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. If you want to read refulgent blogs so please follow RealWealthBusiness.

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