Eight Ways To Engage Your Employees And Reduce The Turnover Rates

by Customer Service Published on: 23 November 2021 Last Updated on: 21 December 2021

employee turnover

Has employee turnover been draining you financially? Do you struggle to replace your creative workforce? If so, then you have landed at the right place. This article will introduce you to eight diverse employee engagement methods that will guarantee a reduced turnover rate.

Even though it is hard to quantify turnover losses, a few studies indicate that middle-level turnover can cost companies up to 75% of their salary. Likewise, turnover among employees at the C-level can cost up to 213% of their annual salary.

Aren’t the statistics shocking? It is even more shocking that turnover not only causes financial losses but also impacts team performance. This summarizes the reasons why organizations should focus on retaining employees.

Here is an interesting list of suggestions from industry experts explaining how employers can improve employee engagement at work to reduce turnover.

Foolproof Ways To Increase Employee Engagement

It is crucial for employees to feel positive emotions to inspire positive actions. A happy employee is likely to deliver better results and be more productive than a disengaged employee. Here are a few positive ways to boost employee engagement.

Respect Your Colleagues

Respect your employees the way you wish to be treated yourself. Although this may seem like an obvious assertion, many employees complain that their employers have treated them unfairly. As an employer, you must:

  • Behave politely with your co-workers
  • Encourage them to come up with ideas and implement them
  • Ensure equal working conditions for all

Reward Accomplishments

People need to be rewarded, to feel valued. You can boost your employees’ confidence by acknowledging their accomplishments and achievements. Here are some thoughtful ways of motivating your employees. Reward them with

  • Cash rewards or gift vouchers
  • Thankful emails  
  • Public felicitations or awarding trophies like ‘Star employee.’
  • Words of appreciation from top executive
  • Acknowledge employees who deliver the highest productivity

But in order to identify deserving employees, it is essential to have a monitoring system that provides you with the information you need. Employ a remote employee work monitoring software like Flowtrack to track the productivity of your remote workforce.

Institute A Mentoring Program

Mentoring initiatives can benefit both the mentor and the mentee. Interaction with younger colleagues is the best way for senior employees to de-stress from their routine work. Employees can also gain more insight into the culture and work style of the company during these sessions.

Encourage Communication

Employees must stay in touch with the company through regular communication. With enterprises gradually adopting remote working, missing an emotional connection can become a major concern. It can lead to employee disengagement. Communicating with remote employees is essential to maintain engagement with them.

Enhance Your Workspace

A monotonous job and a familiar work environment can eventually make your employees more productive if they have the right workspace environment. It is found that employee retention significantly depends on their access to the right environment and the right tools that enable them to do their tasks effectively. It is, therefore, crucial to provide an engaging workplace where they do not lose their interest easily. Remote employees must have access to collaboration applications for better engagement.

Allow Flexibility In Schedules And Locations

There is no doubt that virtual work environments are more productive than on-site workspaces. The lack of commute and more work time allows remote employees to concentrate on their jobs. These results demonstrate that flexible work hours and locations have a significant impact on productivity. Flexibility in scheduling has also been found to boost employee engagement. You can make use of a reliable HR platform like HRAPP to promote flexibility in your organization.

Trust Your Colleagues With Responsibilities

Many managers make the mistake of not delegating responsibility to their colleagues. Entrusting responsibilities help build relationships, and lack thereof can prove problematic.  This can also lead to

  • Less time for high priority tasks because managers are already overloaded with daily routines
  • Breaks the trust and the good relation between colleagues
  • Lack of opportunities for employees to learn new skills.

Engage Your Employees In Team Building Activities

As a team player, every employee desires growth on an individual level. Brainstorming sessions and team-building exercises can be used to improve employees’ problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Although these platforms are aimed at promoting the growth of individuals, there can sometimes be negativity present. Therefore, make sure that you avoid criticism or discourage ideas and accept opinions without reservation.

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Mashum Mollah is a digital marketing analyst, SEO consultant and enthusiastic internet marketing blogger. He is very much passionate about social media and he is the founder Social Media Magazine.

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