Four Tips for Setting Up Your First Business Office

by Management Published on: 16 January 2021 Last Updated on: 18 February 2022

Setting Up Your First Business Office

Renting your first business office premises is a major milestone. It signifies that your business is doing well – to the point that you’ve hired a whole team and need somewhere official to operate from. Finding the right location is one thing, but setting up the office is another.

How you set up your office in the first instance will dictate how your office will run for the foreseeable, so making sure you get it right the first time is essential. There’s much to think about, but here are four top tips you can implement to make sure you nail it from the off.

Here are Four Tips for Setting Up Your First Business Office:

1. Layout


The first thing you’ll want to think about is the layout of your office. If you have enough staff to split into different departments, you’ll likely want to sit them next to each other rather than having one member of your HR team sat next to a salesperson and a developer instead of next to your other HR person.

Your layout needs to make sense, and it needs to be functional. You don’t want people shouting across the office at each other, and you also don’t want to have to navigate a maze of desks, filing cabinets, and drawers just to get to the toilet. In the same breath, every person in your office needs close access to a plug socket, so make sure you keep this in mind when you’re deciding where people should sit.

Of course, your layout also needs to be safe. In the event of a fire, you’ll need to make sure every member of your team has clear access to an escape route, which is all the more reason to think about your layout before you buy desks and start moving them in.

2. Storage


Running a business incurs a lot of paperwork, even if you are trying to be paperless. This means you need to ensure you have a room dedicated solely to the storage, and that room needs to A) be organized in alphabetical/date order, and it needs to be secure.

In the event your new office gets broken into, you won’t want your whole company to be compromised because a common thief has managed to get their hands on all your bank statements and customer information. A good idea is to use a room with a lockable door for the storage of important documents, and keep it organized from the very first day to avoid a scramble later on.

In addition to corporate storage, your employees will want somewhere to store all their belongings. Install a coat rack and given employees a set of under-the-desk drawers to keep their notebooks, pens, and, most importantly, snacks in. This will stop them from storing things on surfaces that could make your office look untidy and unkempt, and that’s not the impression you want to give off – especially as a new business.

3. Furniture


Once you’ve decided on your layout and sorted out your storage, you can start to think about general office furniture. You can find office furniture bundles online for a relatively low cost – just make sure that what you’re investing in is long-wearing and fit for the job. This extends further than desks and chairs, though. You’ll also need to think about the floor. Carpet floor tiles are an excellent option because they’re durable and long-lasting, plus, if something gets spilled (which it will) the individual tile can be replaced rather than replacing the entire floor.

In terms of bulky furniture, you need to ensure those working in the office have ample desk space, but you also need to align this with the size of your office and the layout. Don’t choose desks that are too big, but don’t make your employees cram all their belongings onto a 60” table, either.

Select ergonomic chairs for the benefit of your employees, and invest in a high-quality sofa for your waiting room so that clients and investors can wait in comfort. Comfort is key, as is support, so make sure you factor in welfare when choosing furniture. Making the right decision at this stage could save you thousands further down the line; buy cheap buy twice and all that.

4. Decor


Arguably the most exciting part of setting up your first professional workspace, office decor plays an important role. Office spaces can take time to make your own, but you can still make your new office feel like home – even if it is only at half-capacity for a while.

By working with one of the best commercial painting services san jose, you will be able to create an attractive backdrop. Bright colours on the wall can play a pivotal role in boosting productivity levels, adding to the overall environment, and making employees feel comfortable. Make sure that you only work with leading experts and professionals when it comes to painting your office walls and other common areas.

Green plants, soothing colored walls (blue and green are popular choices), and inspiring artwork can make your new space feel like home. Over time, you could add a team photo and display any accolades you have won as a company, but in the first instance, less is more, and the power of a plant and a rug can make all the difference.

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to business and marketing, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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