by Business Development 19 April 2021


You want to grow your business but are not quite sure about the marketing strategies you wish to employ. You want to explore the world of online marketing but fear if you will be missing out on the traditional forms of advertisement. Continue reading this article to know more about the two modes of marketing services and how you can select the best possible method for your business.

Digital Marketing: Online marketing is when you use platforms such as social media and websites to popularize your products. The online market is thriving and only growing in scale. There is no denying that one, not attempting to incorporate digital marketing strategies in his business plan, is losing valuable customers. On the other hand, traditional marketing though costly compared to the digital one, yields sure results. So, as a young entrepreneur with a tight budget for advertisement, which one will you pick?

Website Building: The first step to digital marketing is to own a website that lets potential customers know who you are as a company. People know about everyone and everything with just a few clicks on their smartphones, so before purchasing anything from a company, they like to find out the background of the organization. They want the information of how the product is made and who is the face of the company. All this information will be available on the website that you create.

  • It is undoubtedly a smart move to have a website but having a website is not the end goal of online marketing. The website must be updated regularly with fresh content and shareable posts to keep people engaged.
  • It might be hard for one to keep the website in top form all the time. One may take the assistance of affordable content marketing services to boost the business website. A website represents the company as a whole, so it is wise to invest time and money to manage the same.

Social Media Marketing: More than a billion people log into social media and spend a considerable amount of time browsing and surfing the content. Never before in history did a business have such an opportunity to captivate so many people’s attention with so little money. Social media is mostly free and is very affordable compared to the traditional sense of advertisement. Therefore, it is anyone on a tight budget should opt for this type of digital marketing.

Traditional Advertising: While digital marketing is taking up most of the space, people are still investing in TV commercials and newspaper ads because there is still value left in traditional marketing.

People like to hold things with their hands and pay attention to the same. One reading a newspaper devotes his full attention to the same. Therefore, posting a newspaper advert may very well engage the reader’s full attention. Most people delete email advertisements without even opening them. But if they are sent a physical leaflet as an advertisement, they will consider reading the same. Therefore, though traditional advertisement costs more, it certainly has its positive traits. That is why a multinational corporation spends thousands of dollars for a few seconds of commercials during the Super Bowl or any other mega event.

It is up to you to create a plan that incorporates both traditional and digital forms of advertisements to get the full benefit of the market. Depending on the age and the location of your target audience, you may devise a marketing strategy.

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