How to Write the Perfect Welcome Email – Business Email Examples You’ll Love

by Business Published on: 12 April 2022 Last Updated on: 14 April 2022

Business Email Examples

When you’re looking to make the right first impression with an email, you need to know how to hit the right note!  Making a good first impression is so important because once you’ve made a bad impression, it’s hard to reverse the damage.

We’re not saying you can’t reverse the damage, but you’ll have to work hard to rectify a bad impression.  So, sending your first business email or welcome email is really important to connect properly with new contacts, leads, or your existing customers.

With that in mind, we’ll help you find the right tone to create for your email with some super business email examples you and the recipient will love.

You might want to send a business email to your database to encourage them to follow your Instagram profile.  After all, it’s a great way to build followers and gives them a new angle to engage with your brand.

As an extra tip, this link tells you all about the best times to post on Instagram too:

On the topic of growing your Instagram, you can always buy Instagram likes for 2022 here and buy real Instagram views too, to improve engagement.

Related Resource: The Power of Instagram for Growing Your Small Businesses

What a Welcome Email is All About

Before we move on to business email examples, let’s just do a quick recap on what a welcome email is.  It is the first impression that your business makes when writing to a new customer, a recent blog subscriber, a newsletter subscriber, or others, via email.

Your welcome email doesn’t need to just contain text.  It could have images, video, coupon codes, anything really – even a simple hello. Put simply, it’s there to form a new relationship with a new contact, so use it wisely to get the best results.

We’ll give you a few examples to show you the business email examples that are the best.  The examples we’ll show you give you different ideas for approaching your email database and for engaging your audience. It’s another way for you to know how to get a lot of followers on Instagram!  Let’s go!

What You Need to Include for a Great Business Email Example – Welcome Emails

When you’re welcoming someone for the first time there are a few things that you need to include to ensure your email gets you noticed.  Remember, your recipient likely gets lots of emails so yours needs to be especially good!  Here’s what you need to include:

  • Exciting Subject: This relates to why your recipient would open your email so keep it short, to the point, and detail what it’s about and why it matters. It is the reason people open up your email so keep it brief but make it catchy and intriguing – and tell your customers why they must open your email.
  • Next, it’s all about content, when you craft your content don’t go overboard, it’s an email and too much detail will turn your customer off, they’ll hit delete. Do include links to your website or other online material that you’d like them to see.
  • A Customized Offer: Why not give your recipient their very own offer, either an introductory offer or a thank you coupon code if they’ve already bought from you before, to encourage them to make a repeat purchase?
  • An Opt-Out Option. You must offer the recipient and opt-out so have an unsubscribe button.  One thing customers hate is emails from people whom they’ve previously unsubscribed from.

Business Email Examples for Welcome Emails

Business Email Examples for Welcome Emails

Here are some of our favorite examples of welcome emails sent to customers (including us!) and each template is different.

Select the one that resonates with your brand or business and make the right impression when you welcome your customers using the power of email.

1. Use Symbols

Don’t be frightened of avoiding using emojis, unless, of course, your business is very serious, like in the medical sector, banking sector, or education sector.  It’s friendly and people instantly recognize emojis but also, an emoji speaks volumes.

Virgin America uses the “I Love You” hand symbol in its welcome email – isn’t that cuddly?  Their language is welcoming too, they tell their customers to “Grab a Seat!” and “Welcome On-Board” so think about what you could do with your words to match them with your brand.

2. Offer a Discount

Everyone loves a discount, especially when it feels personal.  You could start your email off with “We know you like a little extra….” And tease your audience into your email.  If you’re a food business, what about “Fancy a slice of the pie?”

Then move into the body of your email and include a friendly opener, that’s brief and perhaps with a little humor.  Give your users a 10% off for joining your database or thank them for becoming new customers.

3. Add an Image – Of You!

One thing that people love on social media is feeling connected to the people behind the brand, so if you’re welcoming someone new, why not include a picture of you and some of your employees?

That way people automatically feel they know you!  It’s always better to open up an email with an image rather than reams of text.

4. Try a Video

Video is fast becoming one of the biggest communication channels of all and TikTok will likely take over YouTube in popularity over the coming 2 years.  People love video – they don’t need to read the content; they can listen and be entertained all at once.

So, you could introduce yourself and your company through a small, video snippet.  Highlight your biggest selling product or introduce a new item using video and don’t forget to tease the customer.

Only show them 20 seconds, and get them to click through to your YouTube account for a longer version.  Keep any text in your email very simple, so the focus stays on the video.

5. Personalize Your Emails

When you send out an email, always use the recipient’s first name (and most email services can do this).  Why?  It makes it personal, certainly, when their name is in the subject line, like “Jayne, it’s so good to meet you!”

It’s also another subconscious trick that makes the end-user think that the email is directed right to them (and it is, to an extent!).  The more you make your business email sound like a conversation with one other person, the better. Add that to your business email examples!

Thank Your Customer – Business Email Examples

Thank Your Customer – Business Email Examples

In your new welcome business email, one good business email example is just a simple thank you.  Thank your customer for signing up, for buying a product, for following your account – for anything really!

Use the thank you emoji, use a short video snippet blowing them a kiss, have an image of a bunch of flowers – think outside of the box but say thank you and if you’re a small business, why not tell them why you appreciate their custom?

People like to help small businesses get off the ground, plus this is a wonderful opportunity to build rapport and a relationship with your customer, and as a gesture, to say thank you, offer them a coupon code to encourage them to buy something again.

Help Your Customer Get Started

Another good business email example is to help your customer get started, by literally saying that.  So, you keep it simple, but you offer to help them get started.

Give them a very easy-to-follow guide to getting to your website, contacting customer services, using your social media, and inviting them to give you any feedback too.

Say “We’d like to help you get started…”  Or how about “Let’s get lift-off!”  Customers like their questions anticipated so maybe you could answer a couple of FAQs and direct them to your FAQ page online.

Other Important Elements to Include in Business Email Examples

Now you have some ideas for a welcome email, here are some other pointers for what to use in business email examples:

  • You need to hook your reader with a good, fun topic line.
  • Use your welcome email to communicate your value proposition (discount code for example).
  • Direct your customer to a new product, service, social media, or website.
  • Create a big “WOW” moment, with a little fun, and humor, and by using content such as a video or moving images.
  • Add anything helpful, like a link to FAQs or customer services.
  • End with a call to action – like click here to buy and apply your coupon code.

Some Final Thoughts On Business Email Examples

While more than 90% of business email examples that welcome the customer are opened, only 23% of customers read them so make yours stand out with a great subject line and keep them interested throughout the email using the right language according to your tone of voice.

Don’t be afraid to use images, videos, or emojis (if they fit with your industry sector).  Offer an incentive to purchase and include links to your website and social media – especially if you want to grow your Instagram.

You could link your Instagram shop to your business email, as a suggestion (more on shops here and how to increase your sales:

Add a Call to Action

Don’t forget, always end with a call to action to encourage your customer to do something, even if it’s as small as visiting your new social media platform.  As well as selling, you want more followers to engage with you online.

Any click-through is a win, another sale is a big win!  We wish you lots of luck with sending out your first business email example, try a welcome email now.

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Arnab is a Passionate blogger. He loves to share sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. If you want to read refulgent blogs so please follow RealWealthBusiness.

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