5 Tips to Choose the Best Marketing Items for Your Business

by Marketing Published on: 24 July 2018 Last Updated on: 17 December 2020

Marketing Tips

Do you want to increase your clients, customers, and sales? Every business owner will say yes, but not all are promoting their brand with the right products. Your branded merchandise can either boost your sales or turn off customers. It’s crucial you choose the right items. There are 5 key tips for choosing the right marketing items. Keep reading to find out what they are and how they’ll benefit your business.

Why Use Marketing Items?

If you don’t already have promo materials, you may be hesitant to get started. They are an extra cost for your marketing budget and you don’t directly earn money from them.

But, they can do wonders for your brand’s reputation and appeal.

People love freebies. Whether it’s a pen, a mug, or a tote bag. We love feeling like we got a great deal.

Take advantage of that positive emotion by branding items with your logo. Customers will take the free pen and see your branding. Then, they’ll associate that positive feeling with your company.

1. Quality Matters

You reach for a pen to take notes during a conference call. It doesn’t work. You notice the brand on the side of the pen with dissatisfaction.

This scenario is one to avoid when choosing marketing items.

When you give customers products that don’t work, it reflects poorly on your business. Customers will wonder why your brand bothered giving them a useless product. It gives them scam-vibes.

You don’t have to break the bank on promo items, but you should consider it an investment. Customers should use your product and have a positive experience. It’ll cause a subconscious positivity around your brand when they use your products or services.

Review your budget for marketing materials. See where you can afford to spend a little more per item. Remember that high-quality promo products tell the customer you are a high-quality business.

2. Take Your Time in Production

If you have an event coming up it can be tempting to order your promo products as soon as possible. But, rushing this process will lead to mistakes and dissatisfied customers.

Give yourself enough time to see samples of the surveyor’s work. And, give yourself time to see a version of their products with your design. You want to ensure it’s exactly how it should be before you hand one to a customer.

For example, you may choose to use mugs as your marketing item. Mugs are great because most people use one every morning for their tea or coffee.

Without checking out samples and an example with your design, you could end up with a bad product. You need to feel the mug in person and notice its quality. Check that your logo is symmetrical on the mug.

Take the time to go through the revisions to ensure your products impress customers. This, in turn, will reflect well on your business.

3. Take Advantage of the Kitchen

What’s the one room that everyone passes through many times a day? It’s the kitchen. The kitchen is a prime real estate for your promotional products.

The options for items housed in this room are endless. Here are some of the most common items:

  • Magnets
  • Mugs
  • Calendars
  • Chip Clips
  • Pizza Cutters

These are items that customers are likely to keep for a long time because they’re functional. In fact, 81 percent of American consumers keep promotional products for at least one year.

Choose a product that adds value to your customer’s life. One great kitchen item idea is a bottle opener from My Custom Bottle Opener. Most households will reach for a bottle opener a few times a week.

Products that are functional and of good quality will remain in customers’ homes. And, they’ll remember your brand for providing them with a valuable product.

4. Stay Current

Mugs, pens, and calendars are all successful marketing items. But, they’re also considered classics and traditional products. If you want to target a younger generation, you need to be current.

Technological products are perfect for targeting this specific demographic. Items could range from earbuds to pop sockets to phone cases. Some companies even give out miniature Bluetooth speakers with their branding on them.

It’s important to stay on top of trends when choosing marketing items. Consider the age and income of your ideal customers. If they’re older, less computer savvy, then tech items might not be for them.

But, if your company prides itself on staying ahead of the curve, new tech gear could be perfect.

Staying current doesn’t only apply to gadgets. Even water bottles have newer models that customers prefer. This could mean they’re BPA free and eco-friendly.

Observe the newest trends that your demographic cares about. Choose marketing items that align with those trends.

5. Be Eco-Friendly

Speaking of BPA-free water bottles, choose products that are eco-friendly in general. Consumers like companies that are eco-friendly because it shows they’re socially-conscious. It adds warmth and a likability factor to your brand.

Almost any marketing item can have eco-friendly components.

Some examples are journals and notepads made from recycled paper. Reusable grocery tote bags to create less plastic. And, t-shirts made from organic cotton.

It will be more expensive to buy promotional products that are eco-friendly. But, the impact it makes on your customer’s opinion of you could be worth it.

Showing that your company cares about a cause makes you more likable.

Interested in More Marketing Tips?

Promo items are successful marketing tools. They force consumers to remember your brand. And, they can improve their opinion of your brand depending on the product.

Use marketing items to connect with customers and build long-term relationships.

The five tips above will guide you towards choosing the right products for your business. Don’t be afraid to try a couple of different options until you settle on the perfect item for you.

If you want more tips on marketing materials, strategy, and building your business, check out our blog.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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