10 Essential Tips To Create A High-Performance Home Page For Your Website

by Technology Published on: 23 July 2018 Last Updated on: 28 August 2020

Website Home Page

Having an online presence is crucial to the success of businesses today as the internet emerges as the key selling channel. When a potential customer visits the website for the first time or subsequent times, the homepage sends across the first impression about the business. Your website may have hundreds of more pages but this is the one that is most likely to hold the visitors and drive conversions. For this reason, it is important to make the home page more impactful, both in terms of the look and the feel. The focus, therefore, should be on the design and functionalities so that the page serves an excellent user interface as well as user experience. Looking at these factors, you should make every effort to create or optimize the home page of your website by including the right elements in it. Let us share a few tips to help you in creating a high-performance home page for your business website.

1. Have a clean, uncluttered layout :

The first and foremost consideration to create a winning initial impression on your visitor is to present a clean, uncluttered interface on the home page. Having plenty of white spaces and only the essential elements is a good idea. Do not overwhelm the user with excessive content and images as they can have a negative impact. Place whichever elements you want to showcase very neatly and in a professional way, without appearing too loud.

2. Keep the navigation simple and intuitive :

The second rule for a website homepage design is to keep the navigation simple and intuitive. Not every visitor who comes to your site will be a techie; so the navigation should be effortless and easy to understand even for a person with minimal technical knowledge. Have Call To Action buttons placed intuitively on the home page itself so that the user can understand and go through the entire journey till conversion.

3. Place high-quality images and videos :

Visual content is more impactful when it comes to selling online as buyers are interested in seeing the products rather than only reading about them. You can leverage this idea by adding some high-quality images and videos related to your featured products on the home page. Similarly, video testimonials of the real-life customers can be added to the page to enhance the credibility of the products and the brand.

4. Replicate your brand :

Another way to add value the website’s home page is by replicating your brand image. Use a color scheme that matches with that of your brand. Have your business clearly placed right on top of the home page. Every brand has a specific tone of voice, which it uses across all its marketing channels. The content on the home page should be written in the same tone so that the existing and potential customers are able to associate it with your business.

5. Focus on what you have to offer :

Another way to boost conversions for your home page is by focusing on what you have to offer to the buyer if he chooses to buy the product. Talk about the products and the value they can bring for the customer. Have something positive to say about your brand and its credibility. If you are running a promotional offer or deal, present it on the banner itself so that the visitor can see it right when he opens the homepage of the website.

6. Update the content frequently :

When it comes to the home page content, it should informative and valuable for the visitors. The content should be written while keeping the user in mind and cater answers to all their queries. At the same time, it should be optimized with the relevant keywords so that the page is able to get high search rankings and fetch traffic for the website. Also, you shouldn’t target keywords on the homepage blindly but have a specific SEO strategy in mind. Extensive keyword research and competitive analysis is required to elevate your home page with the use of high search keywords.

7. Encourage user-generated content :

User-generated content is a raging trend in the internet marketing space. It refers to the content that is not written by professionals but is rather shared by the real users. It can be a story, an image, a video, a review or a testimonial. Whichever form it comes in, user-generated content adds to the brand credibility and gives your homepage an instant traffic boost. To reserve a place on the page where users can share their experiences, images, videos, reviews or testimonials.

8. Have some supportive marketing materials :

Supportive marketing materials refer to facts and figures related to the actual work you have done. Talk about the clients you have catered to and the actual numbers of products you have sold. A mention of accreditations, awards and achievements is a bonus. If you are in the service industry, you can add a case study on the homepage to make your brand more professional and credible.

9. Talk about the selling process :

A common reason that visitors fail to convert even after exploring the home page well enough is that they fail to understand the actual selling process. Make sure that you have self-explanatory content that tells the way you sell as directly takes the visitor to the checkout page or contact via a clear Call to Action.

10. Provide contact information :

Finally, it is very important to have a clear mention of your contact information on the home page so that the visitor is able to connect or convert easily. A contact form on the page itself or in a pop-up helps. You can also use a Call to Action button to take the user directly to the checkout page.

A professional web design and development company can help you build an impressive and feature-rich home page for your website. Since this is the front entry for your business, the home page deserves some extra attention so that you can make your business a success.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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