4 Tips for Successful Marketing with Custom Stickers

by Marketing Published on: 01 June 2021 Last Updated on: 02 June 2021

Successful Marketing with Custom Stickers

Marketing can be extremely difficult. Combined, US businesses spent $21.23 billion on marketing in 2019 (Source).

Such marketing efforts can be measured in numbers and spreadsheets, but essentially, marketing is a battle fought in the customer’s mind. This resolves how quickly your business is being thought of when a purchase decision is made and which values are associated with your brand.

The trick these days is not to overcomplicate your marketing strategies. We are here to help you bring your advertising back to basics using custom stickers. Stickers have been an integral part of marketing for decades, but what exactly do we mean by custom stickers?

Stickers are little adhesive-backed pieces of paper and plastic that can be printed on. They are a low-cost, high-impact marketing tool that allows you to expand your reach and generate visibility for your brand.

Our tips show you exactly how to do that and explain why custom stickers should be your marketing tool of choice.

1. Customize your product:

Nursing Your Pet after Treatment:1. Customize your product:

Vinyl stickers are the perfect way to customize your product and packaging and create a coherent brand experience for your customers.

You can let your creativity run wild and match your stickers to your product and values. Are you selling candles? Try a rainbow-effect holographic sticker that catches the light beautifully. Does your branding follow a minimalist aesthetic? Get transparent stickers that will not overpower your product.

This is a cost-effective way to elevate your product as you can bulk buy unbranded cardboard packaging or jars and apply your logo yourself. We highly recommend purchasing sheet labels as pictured below. These allow you to peel and apply your stickers 65% faster. A real timesaver when you have to apply hundreds of them.

2. Create scarcity:

The impression of scarcity is a powerful concept. Interest converts into a sale much faster when your customers think that there might not be a chance to buy this product again. Limitation makes your product appear desirable and exclusive.

You can create scarcity by using limited edition labels. A simple seal made from biodegradable paper with a handwritten number on it will cost you very little but has the potential to increase your sales significantly.

3. Giveaways:

The secret power of custom stickers is that they are rarely perceived as an advertising tool. Given out for free under the right circumstances, they are seen as a gift instead.

Gift-giving has long been an established marketing strategy. It adheres to social psychology’s rule of reciprocity: when we receive a gift, we feel the subconscious need to return the favor. This can either be through purchases, recommendations, or even a social media post.

Including free stickers with every purchase or sending them to influencers can thus be super effective. Not only will you leave a great impression on customers, but they will be much more likely to repeat their purchases or tell their friends about your business.

Little is more powerful than a loyal customer who not only sports your logo sticker on the back of their laptop but sings your praises as well.

4. Guerilla marketing:

4. Guerilla marketing:

You might be familiar with the term guerilla in a slightly different context: warfare. There, it describes nontraditional warfare fought by irregulars or civilians against the orthodox military. The smaller size of civilian groups and their mobility is described as a clear advantage over military troops.

This idea translates into marketing and centers on unconventional advertising strategies that depend on time, creativity, and energy rather than a financial investment. Guerilla marketing is all about delivering a message in a unique way and having people interact with your brand unexpectedly. Through this element of surprise, guerilla marketing strategies ignite an emotional reaction in potential customers which leaves a lasting impression.

There are some amazing campaigns out there, definitely worth a Google search! Look at this hilarious example down below – you are bound to talk about this after you’ve been to the bathroom.

And that’s a wrap! We hope that this article has inspired you to include vinyl stickers in your marketing and sparked your creativity. If you are already using stickers or have any other ideas you would like to share, leave a comment below.

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to business and marketing, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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