Why SDWAN Is Changing The Networking Game

by Technology Published on: 27 April 2018 Last Updated on: 19 September 2018


Tech companies and network specialists are falling over themselves over SDWAN, with Cisco recently shelling out $600 million for an SDWAN provider. The reason they were so eager to pay so much for a cloud-based vendor is that they see what’s coming down the pipeline. Rather than building a tangled future networked by wire, the answer is wireless.

Between Bluetooth devices, smart speakers, and wearable tech, people are getting more comfortable with going wireless. Whether in their personal or professional lives, having a cloud-based solution can help us be more mobile, agile, and flexible. As workforces begin to be distributed beyond the office walls, companies are thinking beyond single physical locations and device limitations.

If you want to know how this concept can help your company’s networking needs, get to know all about SDWAN. Here are 5 ways it’s changing the world of networking.

1. You Can Centralize Your Management Duties :

If you work in IT or as a CIO, you spend much of your days running between different interfaces and troubleshooting hardware. When you’ve got your network interfaced through varying terminals, juggling your users and your admins can be a headache. One centralized solution could be the answer to your prayers.

Software that can define your network will simplify your management duties. If you’ve got a virtual system, you can use one single interface to handle everything you need. Training will be easier and you can delegate tasks more directly.

Rather than having to configure a gaggle of devices individually, you can focus on one interface.

You can configure every aspect of your network from one location and one interface.

Run updates just once instead of going from terminal to terminal. Your management duties will be simplified and allow you to get to the nitty-gritty of building your network.

One of the best interfaces out there is ZTP. See what they can offer for your company to make life a little simpler.

2. Deploy Easier Than Ever :

What if you only had to configure your basic security settings once? What if every new piece of hardware could get to know what the basic configuration settings were and remember them without having to be told?

That’s the magic of what SDWAN is doing for network technology at businesses of every size.

Whether you’re running a major company’s network infrastructure or setting something up for a local business, zero-touch deployments can free up time.

With this setup, you can simply plug in hardware, scan the code that’s located on the side of the housing, and it will be automatically licensed. The network will register, configure, and install any necessary drivers.

Why waste more time trying to get your network to configure an individual device that’s supposed to make things easier? Use an SDWAN setup to make it work for you the first time.

3. Bandwidth Configuration Is Easier :

Setting up a whole bunch of devices on a network can cause a drag on your bandwidth. One device that’s been connected longer than the others could be hogging all the bandwidth while the others are deprived.

With an SDWAN system, everything in the network will be aware of the other devices that are connected. Set up a hypervisor with the ability to oversee everything that’s linked to your network and you’ll get the best bandwidth delegation. The network can even be self-optimizing if it’s set up right.

With your OS configured to manage bandwidth on the fly, you can get better bandwidth management results than a human operator could offer. All of the details will be micromanaged without your input.

Best of all, you won’t have to worry about a margin of error.

When a piece of hardware fails or stops functioning, your system will work around that issue. Performance might not be impacted at all with a strong system in place.

4. Better Networking Regardless of Location :

If you’ve got your operating system located in the cloud, you can put your whole network there.

If you’re a small business that’s starting to do business across borders or at multiple locations, this could be the solution you need. Rather than house all of your most important data under one roof, SDWAN could accommodate a quickly expanding business.

Your network could be entirely global while still being under control from a single device and a single interface.

Expanding your network is getting easier and so is doing business around the world. If the talent you need is halfway across the globe, giving them access to your network has never been simpler.

5. Real-Time Support :

Your company needs to keep up with the wave of cloud collaboration and the future of video conferencing. Real-time networking, co-working, and productivity have no border and neither should you.

When your network is software-defined, you can discover a user’s devices and media. Your network should be able to quickly connect, remember, and update those devices without having to be constantly managed.

This technology will only get easier with time and wider in scope. As business needs expand beyond borders, running transactions via the cloud, your company will need to be untethered to physical devices. By working with SDWAN, you can go mobile and remain future proof.

SDWAN Is The Future Of Productivity :

As workforces continue to expand beyond the confines of cubicles and office spaces, more companies are hiring virtual assistants and collaborating internationally. This allows your company to get the best talent, produce the best products, and serve the best clients. Using a network that’s no longer tied to a single location allows you to be ready for whatever these conditions throw your way.

While being ahead of the tech curve is key, check out our guide to ensure that every aspect of your company is optimized for success.

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to business and marketing, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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