Determining Who Is Liable For A Truck Accident

by Automotive 24 September 2022

Truck Accident

In case you are facing injuries in a truck accident, determining the liabilities in the accident is one of the primary concerns. All those huge commercial trucks can destroy the car leading to physical injuries. 

In order to recover from the incident and also to acquire all types of necessary compensation, it is really crucial to hold the correct party liable for the accident. Here, the best injury lawyers for truckers can help you to find the liable party. 

Truck accidents involve several individuals and also at least a single agency or company on the basis of the type of trucker who drives the vehicle. For most commercial trucks, the driver might get hired through a company that transfers and also ships items or equipment.

However, the driver might also drive as a completely independent contractor without any type of connection to an agency. In this particular situation, the trucker might be solely responsible for the accident. 

That means it is really crucial to know exactly which party is liable for the truck accident. Here, in this article, we will talk about that. Also, you can always consult with the best lawyers for truckers to ensure that everything is being conducted in a legal way.

Potentially Liable Parties In A Truck Accident

 Liable Parties In A Truck Accident

When it comes to a truck accident, different parties can be held liable. Here are some of the most commonly responsible parties for a truck accident. 

  • The truck manufacturer.
  • The truck driver.
  • The trucking company. 
  • The company which has loaded the truck. 
  • The maintenance company is responsible for the upkeep of the truck. 
  • A third-party driver. 

Here we will have a detailed discussion on how various parties can be potentially liable for a truck accident. 

1. The Truck Driver

As the driver is driving the truck, there are several instances when the truck driver might be held liable. In case any of their actions directly caused the accident or collision, the truck driver can be held liable for the accident. 

In case they have clearly violated the law or any type of trucking regulations, proving they are at fault becomes much easier. For example, if the driver does not follow restrictions during their service hours, they could be held liable for the accident. 

2. The Trucking Company

In several instances, the trucking company might be held at fault. Here they are; 

  • Failing to properly train their drivers. 
  • Encouraging their drivers to violate safety regulations. 
  • Failing to keep the truck in good working condition. 

3. The Truck Manufacturer

In case there is any fault in the design and manufacturing of the truck, the company which was engineered and also sold the truck or vehicle can be held liable for the accident. The design and manufacturing defects can be of different types. 

And that defect has to be involved in causing the accident. 

4. The Maintenance Company

In case there is a completely separate maintenance company from the trucking company, the maintenance company is liable for inspecting the truck along with keeping it running smoothly and safely. 

In case of any kind of system breakdown, the maintenance company will be held liable for the accident. 

5. The Loading Company

The loading company is responsible for maintaining the proper weight of the tricking. In case any unsecured or unbalanced load leads to any type of accident, the company that is responsible for loading the truck will be held liable for the accident. 

6. A Third Party Driver

Whenever the actions of any other driver on the road affect the truck driver and also force them into a collision with you, the third party driver or another driver can be held liable for the accident. 

Get Help From Lawyers For Truckers

Now you know the most common parties that can be held liable for a truck accident. Determining the actual responsible party is crucial for getting the compensation. Here, the best lawyers for truckers will be able to guide you the right way.

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Arnab is a Passionate blogger. He loves to share sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. If you want to read refulgent blogs so please follow RealWealthBusiness.

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