10 Reasons Why You Should Learn Software Automation Testing

by Business Intelligence Published on: 22 March 2023 Last Updated on: 23 March 2023

Testing is essential for any company looking to develop an effective product. Just like testing is important, it also matters how the tests are run.

In this post, we have briefly outlined the concept of software testing and compiled a list of 10 convincing reasons why you should invest in learning automation testing.

So, let’s jump in!

What Is Software Testing?

Software Testing is an important step in the software development process, assessing the quality and performance of a system compared to its specifications. It involves verification actions such as comparing expected outcomes with actual results. Software testing is primarily divided into manual testing and automation testing.

Manual testing typically consists of a person manually performing test cases without the aid of technology.

Software automation testing is when manual tests are powered by automated scripts that can be run repeatedly at scale for increased dependability and accuracy in software development.

To find out about professionals who develop test automation tools and are involved in software development and testing at all levels; Read: What Is SDET

Why Should You Learn Software Automation Testing?

Now that we are familiar with the concept of software testing and its two primary methods (manual and automation), let us discuss why learning software automation testing is essential and how it outshines manual testing.

Here are 10 reasons why you should learn software automation testing:

Saves Time And Cost:

One of the primary benefits of automation testing is its ability to execute test cases quickly and accurately. Software automation testing saves time and cost by enabling automated test scripts to run quickly and efficiently, reducing the need for manual testing.

It also helps to identify defects early in the software development life cycle, reducing the cost of fixing defects later in the process. Overall, automation testing ensures high-quality and reliable software while saving time and cost.

Improves Accuracy:

Software automation testing improves accuracy by reducing the chances of human error and ensuring that the same tests are performed consistently. Automation allows for the testing of large amounts of data and scenarios, which would be difficult and time-consuming for humans to do manually.

Automated test cases run the same way every time, ensuring that bugs are detected and resolved consistently. This results in a more reliable and accurate testing process.

Increases Test Coverage:

Automated testing can execute a large number of test cases in a short amount of time, which increases the test coverage of the software application. This helps to identify bugs in different parts of the application, including edge cases that might be missed during manual testing.

Automated tests can be repeated consistently and with little effort, enabling thorough testing of different scenarios. This reduces the likelihood of defects and increases confidence in the quality of the software being tested. With automated testing, it is possible to cover a wider range of functional and non-functional requirements, which improves the overall test coverage.

Improves Test Efficiency:

Automated testing enables test cases to be executed more efficiently compared to manual testing. Software automation testing improves test efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and executing tests faster and more accurately. It helps to identify defects early in the software development cycle, reducing the need for time-consuming manual testing.

Automation allows SDETs to test round-the-clock without human help, maximizing efficiency for software development teams. This not only streamlines processes but also grants them the opportunity to pay attention to more beneficial activities, like analyzing the results and identifying bugs, rather than spending time executing tests.

Enhances Reusability:

Software automation testing enhances reusability by providing a way to quickly and efficiently test the functionality of software components. This allows developers to make changes and improvements to their code without worrying about breaking existing functionality.

By automating testing, developers can also create test scripts that can be reused in future projects, saving time and effort in the long run. This also ensures that the tests are consistent across different versions of the application.  Automated testing also allows for continuous integration and deployment, ensuring that software changes are thoroughly tested before being released to users.

Reduces Risk:

Automated testing reduces the risk of human error and helps to mitigate the risk of software bugs and defects, which can cause damage to the brand and customer dissatisfaction. By detecting and resolving bugs early in the development cycle, automated testing reduces the risk of bugs slipping into production.

Additionally, automation testing provides reliable and repeatable test results, reducing the risk of inconsistent testing and increasing the overall quality of the software product.

Improves Collaboration:

Software automation testing can improve collaboration by providing a common platform for developers, testers, and other stakeholders to work together. Automated tests can be easily shared and executed across teams, providing faster feedback and reducing the need for manual testing.

Automated testing can be integrated with other software development tools, such as continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools, making it easier to collaborate between teams and improving the speed and quality of software delivery. All this leads to better communication and collaboration, as everyone is on the same page.

Increases Productivity:

Software automation testing increases productivity by enabling faster and more accurate testing of software applications. Automated testing reduces the amount of time spent on repetitive and mundane testing tasks and eliminates the need for manual testing, which directly helps in saving time and reducing errors.

With automation, tests can be run 24/7, increasing efficiency and allowing for faster feedback on software development. Additionally, automation can easily repeat tests and perform regression testing, freeing up valuable time for developers to focus on creating new features and improving existing ones. Overall, software automation testing helps to increase productivity and improve the quality of software products.

Provides Objective Results:

Software automation testing objective and quantifiable results by executing predefined test scripts and comparing the actual results with expected results. The test scripts are created based on the software requirements and functionality, and they are executed by automated tools. The tools generate reports that indicate the success or failure of each test case, with detailed information on the test execution and the results.

Automation eliminates the potential for human error and subjectivity, ensuring that the results are easier to track, consistent, and objective. This helps to identify areas for improvement and ensures that software development teams meet their quality objectives.

Supports Agile And DevOps Practices:

Software automation testing plays a critical role in supporting Agile and DevOps practices by providing quick feedback on the quality of software throughout the development lifecycle.

Automation helps Agile teams deliver software frequently and with high quality, reducing the risk of defects and accelerating time-to-market. In DevOps, automation testing helps with continuous testing, allowing teams to quickly detect and fix issues in code changes before deployment, ensuring a smoother and faster release process.


To summarize, mastering software automation testing is absolutely essential for any software developer, tester, or quality assurance specialist. The benefits are both plentiful and advantageous.

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional wishing to transition into the software automation testing field, taking comprehensive SDET Classes is surely the most logical and effective starting point.

Such SDET classes would help you gain an in-depth understanding of the subject and equip you with all the necessary skills to succeed in the professional world.

Don’t wait any longer – it’s time to take off your career today!

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Author Bio: Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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