Here’s What You Should Do If Your Sales Team is Discouraged

by Sales 06 August 2020

Sales Team

Dealing with a discouraged sales team is never easy. There are many reasons why your sales team might be less discouraged than usual, and therefore less productive and effective. Micromanagement, toxic sales culture, and lack of leadership are all components that could quickly result in a discouraged employee.

It’s natural to have discouraged salespeople, but what matters is how you address those root concerns. Sales enablement consists of the processes and resources you use to give your sales team the best possible training to achieve your sales goals. If your team is feeling a bit discouraged, here’s what you should do:

1. Stop Micromanaging

Micromanagement is a management style where a manager is closely observing and providing critiques to the employees they’re managing. The majority of people have experienced some form of micromanaging in their professional careers. But the fact is, in the majority of cases, it’s a sign of weak leadership and a projection of their uncertainty about the success of the product. Micromanagers overanalyze their team because they believe if they don’t have total control over the sales process, the outcome won’t be in their favor.

One of the most difficult aspects of putting a stop to your micromanagement efforts is that it’s difficult for managers to be able to tell when they’re micromanaging their teams. However, there are a handful of signs that can indicate you’re a micromanager. These signs include avoiding delegation, not allowing others to make decisions, constantly requiring that your salespeople generate reports, and complaining often. If you notice these signs in your management style, consider investing in leadership classes or seminars that can help you change the way you approach your team.

2. Give the Gift of Autonomy

Autonomy in the office is about giving your team the freedom to make their own decisions. Team members who have a higher level of autonomy often report higher levels of job satisfaction, positive effects on their well-being, and even better performance. Ultimately, it keeps them happy and productive. Already, we’ve discussed how micromanaging can create a negative work culture; think of autonomy as the opposite.

Your team needs to know that they have the freedom to make their own creative decisions and problem solve. They also want to know that they are trusted in the office atmosphere to make those decisions. Even if you already give your salespeople that freedom, sometimes this means reminding them that they have it and encouraging them to use it.

3. Eliminate a Toxic Sales Culture

Toxic sales cultures are often created by rewarding the wrong type of behavior. Your compensation structure can guide your sales team on the wrong path or the right path, depending on how you set it up. If your structure is set up to reward salespeople for a dollar amount, you open up the possibility of bringing in the wrong people and encouraging salespeople who will stop at nothing to increase the dollar amount of their sales deal. Pay attention to individual performance, and have a transparent process in place for analyzing performance and reviewing sales deals. Hold your employees accountable for safe, structured, and responsible sales practicing that boost your sales culture, rather than detract from it.

4. Show Appreciation

Showing your appreciation for your team goes a long way. Studies have shown that appreciation and recognition from employees is one of the top motivators for performance. The fact is, people, work harder when they feel as though they’re appreciated.

When salespeople feel recognized for their efforts, they’ll continue to go the extra mile, and it also helps build a positive work culture. In many cases, recognition can also prove even more effective than monetary benefits in terms of increased performance. Don’t just show appreciation in your office—give recognition in public, and offer specificity in your compliments.

5. Share Your Vision & Goals

Showing transparency shows your salespeople that they can trust you. Often, it’s not enough to just share your sales goals. Your salespeople need to also understand the trajectory of the company and have a thorough understanding of your vision as a business. It’s not just about where you’re at today, but what the overarching plan is for the next decade from now. Instead of keeping high-level information to the executive team, be open about behind the curtain’s decision making.

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to business and marketing, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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