Eye Catching Cartons and Other Ways Printing is Enhancing Packaging

by Business Published on: 01 January 2022 Last Updated on: 19 September 2023

Eye Catching Cartons

Packaging might have a use in protecting products, but it also exists to please the eye and to inform. There is no doubt that a product can be made to look more luxurious by being accompanied by the right packaging. We shall explore here packing such as the printed folding carton to decide just how much packaging can add to a product.


Cartons can be used to accommodate many diverse types of products. They will be folded and then glued to hold them together. The number of places they are glued will depend on what they are intended to hold. A juice carton, for instance, would need to be completely watertight to stop the liquid from escaping and to keep its contents fresh.

For someone to identify what is contained in the carton, it is necessary to have some printed material or image on its exterior surface. This can be taken care of by a proficient packing company that produces cardboard packaging and offers printing services. It is a combined task to produce the two.

Cartons will, apart from those containing fruit juice, be used to house candles, soap, and various cosmetics products. They represent an affordable way to display such products while also adding a touch of luxury.

Lists of Ingredients

The ingredients contained within products must be displayed somewhere on their packaging to satisfy certain laws. While the front of the packaging can serve the purpose of making the packaging pleasing to the eye, the back should alert those with allergies, or weight watching, to their ingredients.

Those with nut allergies will need to avoid products that contain the slightest trace of nuts, while those looking to keep their weight under control will be looking to avoid foods containing high calories.

Product information then is the use of printed packaging as much as the beauty it can add when images are depicted with the text. The text will be the detail that we all need to know about the product we are buying. Many instructions to products will now be contained on the box as opposed to on a separate instruction sheet.

This reduces the amount of paper used and it is considered eco-friendly to incorporate this on a box that is required to hold the item anyway. We can liken this double use to a sofa-bed that will double-up as a sofa by day and provide a bed at night, or a storage trunk that also provides a table-top surface.

With increased allergies existing, lists of ingredients have become a necessity on food packaging. We are not just keeping the food fresh but informing everyone just want it contains. Only natural products will not need to explain what they are. Where something is factory-produced it becomes less clear as to what it contains. Preservatives will help it keep fresher for longer but need to be mentioned to the buyer.

Printing Techniques

Eye Catching Cartons

Flexo is a printing method widely used on packaging. It can be found throughout the packaging sector. It is mostly used on flexible packaging and will include text and images as part of the graphics that can be printed. The images will be printed onto non-porous materials and so prove useful for packaging and products where the packing is used multiple times.

Digital printed packaging has many advantages. There is a quick printing time, excellent quality images are produced, and the artwork can easily be updated. The quality is superior yet affordable. It is perfect for batch printing. Items that need packaging will generally be mass-produced and companies will be looking for a solution to present them. Also, digital printing is an eco-friendly printing solution.

Printing and packaging can now be seen as one because there is little packaging that is just plain. Most industries will want their products to stand out or display a specific brand for marketing purposes as much as their final consumer will consider packaging an important part of the product. This is for its aesthetic appeal and for the fact that product information such as ingredients or instructions will be displayed as part of the product.

The enhancements to packaging can therefore be considered as aesthetic as they are useful and not something optional but relied on by industry to create a perfect and meaningful product.

Additional reading:

Arnab is a Passionate blogger. He loves to share sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. If you want to read refulgent blogs so please follow RealWealthBusiness.

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