11 Digital Marketing Tools You Need When Starting a Business

by Marketing Published on: 30 May 2019 Last Updated on: 03 June 2021

There are approximately 50,000 businesses established in Singapore annually. However, more than 80 percent of them fold within the first 18 months. Business owners are, therefore, always looking for that competitive edge.

Top Digital Marketing Tools for Entrepreneurs

It’s a whole new world for entrepreneurs in Singapore. Whether the business is an online one, a traditional brick, and mortar store, or a mixture of both, digital marketing is a must-have. This is especially since the majority of people use the internet to find out more about products or services they are interested in purchasing. Therefore, entrepreneurs must ensure that they are visible to this large online population. Having the right digital marketing tools is a great place to begin.

1. Trello

This is a great tool to ensure that all involved in digital marketing efforts remain on track. The project management tool will help to save time and end frustration. Teams can share ideas and make changes from a central place. The business can ensure contractors, as well as in-house teams, are all on the same page. Tasks can be assigned to different parties and tracked all from the same place. Businesses such as Lending Bee who provides fast approval business loans in Singapore uses a marketing agency that makes use of this tool on a daily basis.

2. BuzzSumo

This is a great tool to help businesses learn more about their industries and their primary competitors. The tool helps businesses learn what type of content works best with their target audience as well as with search engines.

3. MailChimp

Email marketing is a must for any business right from day one, and MailChimp is one of the best tools to get you started. It not only offers a wide variety of features but is also easy to use with a straightforward interface. In addition, businesses can use the services for free if they have less than 2000 subscribers. This is perfect for a business that is just getting started.

4. Hubspot

This tool offers a comprehensive package for managing digital marketing campaigns. It provides access to tools that can help with blogging, SEO, lead management, social media, email marketing, analytics and much more. This tool provides businesses with everything they need to run a digital marketing campaign in one place.

This is a great tool when just starting out. It will ensure that the entrepreneur is not torn in too many different directions.

5. Google analytics

This free tool is for much more than simply measuring the volume of traffic to the business’ website. The tool can be used to gain more insight into what is driving traffic to the website. Information such as which keyword or what social media campaign is driving traffic to the website can be vital in making decisions about future strategies or even optimizing current strategies.

6. KISSmetrics

This is another great analytics tool. This tool offers features that help to analyze every move made in digital marketing to ensure that the business gets the best returns on its investment. The insights provided by this tool are invaluable not only for improving the digital marketing campaign but also for the company’s growth.

7. Hootsuite

There’s no denying the power of social media in digital marketing. No matter what industry the business is in, marketing on social media is necessary if the business is to thrive. This often involves posting regularly on various social media platforms.

Hootsuite is a tool that enables the scheduling of social media posts on more than 30 different platforms. It helps to save time and ensures that the business is up to date with its social media campaign. The tool also helps to identify influencers as well as respond to mentions and comments. This tool makes managing social media campaigns much easier.

8. Followerwonk

This tool is great for businesses that plan to concentrate a lot of their effort on social media marketing and more specifically on Twitter. The tool is designed to help businesses improve their social media marketing strategies. Businesses can use the tool to identify personas and optimize their strategies on Twitter.

9. Crazy Egg

This tool helps businesses optimize their websites based on the activity of visitors to the website. The tool provides heatmaps, analysis, and reporting. It is a great tool to help business maximize leads and their sales.

10. Vimeo

With more people seeking video content, Vimeo offers businesses the opportunity to provide their target audience with high-definition videos. This is a great way of driving viewers to the website.

11. Canva

The demand for visual content continues to grow. Aside from offering videos, businesses can provide audiences with creative and unique images using Canva. This design tool is easy to use for even those who don’t have a background in art.


Investing in digital marketing is non-negotiable for any business that wants to thrive in today’s market. Having the right tools is vital for successful digital marketing. The tools above are a great place to start.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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