How Augmented Reality Is Impacting Different Business Models

by Business Published on: 17 September 2021 Last Updated on: 25 September 2021

augmented reality

Technology has been a wonderful part of human history; I could not imagine living in the present world without technological advancement. Maybe we still have to travel for months before we can reach our destination, write a letter instead of making a call, but thanks to the fast adoption of augmented reality, we’re able to process several things in a short period of time. 

However, with the advancement in augmented reality technology, there are several challenges to overcome. The sudden change from last year has been an unprepared revolution for every business sector. And the probability that your business will survive now and in the future depends on how you can quickly adapt and flow with the new trend in technology. 

How Augmented Reality  Is Intiatate The Changes in Business?

The way businesses are adapting to today’s diverse nature may seem as if reality itself has changed. As a result, several business leaders are looking for how to optimize their ways of operation and provide a better result, be more efficient in supply, and at the same time to make sure that the workers are super productive even when they are away from the office.

Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive 3D activity that connects a view of the real world with computer-generated components. AR allows people to process the physical and digital simultaneously, eliminating the need to bridge the two mentally. That improves our capacity and accurately helping to consume data and pieces of information. By using this, you can get easy decision-making and executing qualities.

In Fact, AR has changed the business production environment with interactive designs and machine learning approaches. And AR is expected to grow by $814.7B in 2025, which will bring a huge transformation in the business sectors. 

Below, therefore, is how augmented reality is impacting different business models. 

What Is The Definition Of Augmented Reality? 

Augmented reality is an advanced variant report of the real materialistic world. This is achieved by using digital optical components like sound and other sensory motives transported via technology. It is a developing trend between mobile computing organizations and business applications companies. 

Augmented reality involves the overlay of computer graphics in the real world. AR allows people to process specific features of the practical physical world and increase their judgment of those points through acquiring a smart and accessible insight that can be used for real-world applications. 

4 Benefits Of Using The Augmented Reality For Companies

Not only does this type of technology help us to provide a solution to several mental tasks easily. But augmented reality also allows us to bridge the gap between not being in the office and being at home, especially with workplace training. 

Moreover, it can provide a solid support platform and naturally improve a user’s perception of something.

1. Improved Relationship With Customers 

1. Improved Relationship With Customers 

The use of augmented reality in the workplace does not only provide a conducive workplace for employees but is a tool to enhance customer experiences

Despite still being in its early stage, several companies have started using AR to improve customer’s experience. People no longer have to randomly select or internally imagine how it would look, as VR presents them with a fully immersive experience of whatever the design of what customers want to buy. 

Augmented reality also allows them to identify potential design solutions or hidden dangers, which they may otherwise not see until it’s too late. 

Imagine being in the comfort of your living room and seeing how a chair will be if you place it in the corner of your house. Also, check the exact measurement and size and see how suitable it will be in your living room before making payment. 

This could soon be the norm in online shopping once AR entirely takes shape. 

2. Business Training Made Easier 

According to research, training is one of the most common uses of AR. Compared to traditional training, AR-based training can reduce training time by 40 percent and improve employee performance by a whopping 70 percent, and once AR becomes the norm for visual recognition and guidance, comprehensive training becomes simpler. 

For example, Some variations of AR already being considered are from training areas where the real thing can be easily absorbed and understand. For instance, firefighters, paramedics, and doctors can make use of AR and VR to perfect their skills prior to doing the actual job. In addition, technicians no longer need to be prepared by parts numbers and other specifics of a machine if they can rely on AR to identify the components for them. 

If we have to look at the risk that comes with hands-on workplace training. The opportunity to accomplish specific jobs and activities could be significantly overcome with the use of virtual reality software. It gives the chance to engage in more risky operations before and after attempting that task in real life. 

3. Reduced Business Travel And Efficient Business Meetings 

3. Reduced Business Travel And Efficient Business Meetings 

With the recent pandemic situation across the world, it has become more difficult to attend business meetings and business trips across the country. And since employees can’t even go to work, finding an effective virtual augmented reality means of communication becomes more important. 

In fact, a study shows that more than 42% of companies are confirming the video and virtual conferencing has made their employees more engaged. The strategic report said. Video conferencing is being used most for 1:1 meetings (80%), team meetings/stand-ups (78%), large group meetings/company town halls (77%), customer/partner meetings (62%).

Virtual, augmented reality is reducing this gap and help businesses succeed by conducting virtual meetings and conferences involving various teams who are spread across the globe. 

4. E-Commerce Advertising Will Take A New Turn 

A lot of retail stores closed down due to the Covid-19 pandemic going on around the world. In turn, businesses were forced to explore new ways to replicate the ‘in-store experience to retain as much revenue as possible. 

E-commerce has some unknown areas, which require to be recognized by organizations to extract the highest benefits. This is possible using VR, as it creates a whole new way in which people can shop on e-commerce websites and will also be an important part of the purchasing cycle. 

Do you know that 73.3 percent of shoppers are leaving their shopping carts before even completing the purchase? Is this the primary reason for doubt? 

However, the introduction of virtual reality will improve customer’s experience and confidence in a product by providing a life-like shopping experience with the help of augmented reality. 


Augmented reality allows us to learn faster, retain more, and work more efficiently. Many companies have already implemented augmented reality solutions. And they are already experiencing the tangible outcome of this transformative technology.

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to business and marketing, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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