An Introduction To Amazon Web Services (AWS)

by Technology 26 July 2022

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the up-and-coming Cloud Computing service that you should look out for. Amazon has dominated the e-commerce market and now they’re on its way to conquering the cloud network industry.

Many big corporations have adopted AWS in their business operations and it has garnered a good reputation for good reasons.

Cloud computing services such as Amazon Web Services(AWS) allow businesses to store large amounts of data online which can be easily accessed anytime and anywhere If you work for a global company or a large-scale corporation, then you’ll know that there are tons of existing files and data.

Even for individual users like you and me, cloud computing services are useful for us to store our personal files and documents online without having to worry about losing them or running out of storage space.

This article will cover the fundamentals of what exactly cloud computing services are and explain in more detail what the AWS certificate path entails exactly. Let’s get right into it.

How Does Public Cloud Services Work

You’ve probably heard of the saying, “store it on the cloud”. Not the literal clouds in the sky above us, but the online and virtual space that’s designed to store our device’s data and information online.

They essentially serve as an online storage space that one can pay for on a subscription basis and expand or reduce the storage space when desired.

What Exactly is Amazon Web Services(AWS)?

Amazon Web Services definition

Dominating the e-commerce market has allowed an easier path for AWS to gain traction given the large and loyal customer base that they have garnered all around the world. From the states to Japan in Asia and Australia, Amazon has made its mark in various global central hubs.

AWS is a cloud computing platform that offers various online network services such as storage, management, networking, mobile, and more. If this is all too new and confusing for you, don’t worry. Let’s take a closer look at the different components of AWS to get a more comprehensive understanding.

Types of AWS Services Offered

AWS Services types

AWS has a range of different services for its users that serve different purposes and functions.

  1. Storage
  2. Messages and Notifications
  3. Migration and Hybrid Cloud
  4. Analytics
  5. Security and Governance

1. Storage

Somehow, we always seem to be running out of storage. Under Amazon Web Services(AWS), there are three main forms of storage available, namely the Simple Storage Service (S3), CloudFront, and Elastic Block Storage (EBS).

These storage tools can be subscribed to monthly for a fee at an affordable and reasonable price. There is also unlimited storage available which is all anyone can ask for. The vast amount of storage available is useful for larger companies that have tons of data and information to be stored.

AWS storage services can be used to securely store backups, archives, and more. AWS has a reputation for being a safe and trustable storage service. Its premium security lowers the risk of any potential data breach or damage so you can rest assured when using its services.

AWS storage services are also capable of transferring data at high speeds which means that you don’t have to spend hours wondering if your files will ever load.

2. Messages and Notifications

Effective communication is key when it comes to working on projects that require teamwork and collaboration. AWS has services that cater to this. While there are many existing messaging services available out there in the market, you can be sure that Amazon Web Services(AWS) is a trustable source.

Some messaging and communication services AWS offers include Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), as well as Simple Queue Service (SQS). These services are straightforward and have a user-friendly interface. They get the job done efficiently.

3. Migration and Hybrid Cloud

Migration in this instance refers to the transfer of online data, virtual resources, and files from one device to another. Sometimes, large files have to be transferred from one end to another end that’s halfway across the world. 

The hybrid cloud here refers to both the public cloud and the private cloud. Having both the private and public cloud can make the user experience safer and more efficient.

Subscribing to such an AWS service is well worth considering.

4. Analytics

Analytic software such as the ones offered by AWS allows businesses to track their data and get real-time interpretation and prediction for the various aspects of their business or projects. Some of the things that the analytic software track include budget, cost, and data analysis.

There are several such analytics software by AWS with each one offering different niches so do take a look at them. They are usually charged per hour if you were to hire their services.

5. Security and Governance

With so many instances of data breaches and compromises of information these days, online security is something that many Internet users want and worry about. Given that Amazon is a reputable corporation, you can rest assured that any services that you use from AWS have been checked, recceed, and approved by many industry professionals.

One such service is Identity Access Management (IAM) which allows users to get shared access to various AWS services. The encryption key method is also adopted to create a more efficient user experience.

How To Use AWS Services

AWS Services

To access these AWS services you have to first create an AWS account. After you have successfully signed in, you can view all the different available services on the homepage.

You’ll be asked to enter your credit card information upon creating a new account. Fret not. Creating an account is free. You’re only charged when you actually subscribe to any of the AWS services.

If you’re unsure about which services to subscribe to, there are mini-tutorials that show you exactly how each service works and teaches you how to navigate around the interface.


And there we have it! Hopefully, this article has given you a good enough introduction to what Amazon Web Services(AWS) entails and that some of your queries have been answered. We barely scratched the surface of what AWS has to offer so if you’re intrigued and want to find out more, do take some time to do more research.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions at SmartBusinessDaily and FollowtheFashion

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