5 Easy Actionable Steps for Improving Your Instagram Marketing Strategy

by Technology Published on: 23 June 2017 Last Updated on: 10 November 2021

A strong presence on social media in general and Instagram in particular is an invaluable asset to your overall marketing strategy. With hundreds of millions of active users on the photo- and video-sharing app, Instagram offers you the opportunity to reach a vast audience of your current and prospective customers.

Social media can make a lot of difference to a brand’s success. SMM is one of the most sought-after digital marketing strategies that brands are willing to invest in. It helps them create awareness around their business and products, start meaningful engagements with users and create a sales pipeline. However, in order to ensure that your Instagram marketing efforts are worthwhile, it is vital that you have attracted enough Instagram followers to your profile to make an impact. Accordingly, although it is important to use organic Instagram growth strategies, some Instagram users find that purchasing new followers is one of the best ways to drive engagement.

There are, however, a couple of things you need to learn in order for you to make the most out of Instagram. Read on to learn the basics for getting high visibility and equally high engagement on the platform.

Make sure your content is original and unique:

Instagram users appreciate authenticity, so you want to make sure that you are the creator of the content you post. In addition to giving your audience a look into the character and personality of your brand, posting original content ensures that you never have to contend with copyright issues.

Post interesting, attention-grabbing content:

Don’t just post boring photos of your products. Variety is the key when you’re uploading content to your Instagram. Use all the options: single images/videos, multiple carousel-styled photos/videos, Instagram videos, and going live on Instagram.

Try using a variety of backgrounds for your images to make them more visually appealing. Alternatively, you can develop a consistent style or distinct format for your posts that your fans and followers can learn to recognize.

Interact with Instagram users:

Instagram is much more than a pin board where your users come to simply view your photos and leave. As is the case with other social media platforms, your experience and that of other users becomes a lot more meaningful when you interact with others on the site.

Encourage your followers for Instagram to post about their experiences with your products or services using a custom brand you create. And when they do, take the time to comment or like their posts. This shows that you’re paying attention to them and care about what they have to say.

Have a clear strategy for posting content:

Formulate a content posting strategy that makes the best use of your time and maximizes the impact. The nature of your posts should be on brand. In other words, it should be consistent with your overall brand image and style.

The timing of your posts should factor in times when your audience on Instagram is most active. The appropriate frequency of posting content varies from one brand to another. Avoid posting too often as it may put off users.

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Try and be subtle about selling yourself

It has been said that Instagram is more about selling who you are than it is about selling your products. Don’t belligerently push your products or services on your audience. Rather, focus on creating a positive image for your brand and engaging your audience naturally in a way that organically grows your customer base.

Once you build a connection with your audience and establish a relationship of trust, the sales will naturally follow.

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to business and marketing, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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