What Type Of Wood Should You Choose For Your Desk Top?

by Real Estate Published on: 30 November 2022 Last Updated on: 23 August 2023

Desk Top

So, as a budding social media influencer, are you thinking about organizing your own office? And that’s why you are looking for a perfect desktop that’ll go well with your decoration, no?

Did I get that right?

Well, in that case, if you’re considering opting for a wooden product, I would commend your choice. After all, who doesn’t want to have an age-old rustic touch to their office?

But the question is – how do you buy wood desk top suitable for your usage? In this blog, I’ve shared some tips on the type of wood that you should look for while purchasing a desktop.

So, keep reading till the end, and let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Which Wood Will Work Well for a DIY Desk?

If you are thinking about building a desk, it might be best to go for hardwood. As you can get from the name, the wood will be much harder and more durable than usual. Hence, even if you’re doing something wrong, the wood won’t get annihilated anyhow.

If you are considering purchasing hardwood to build a unique desk from, then you need to make sure you are going to a reliable shop that will provide you with a variety of different wood to choose from, (if you want to see a choice of wood options check here).

But, if you want to buy a readymade product, you can choose from the following –

1: Maple Wood

Maple wood, in general, is pretty strong and features a light brown or reddish color. The grain of the same can be curly, straight, wavy, bird’s eye, or quilted. So, you can choose what you consider to be well-oriented with your room’s decoration.

2: Cherry Wood

The color of maple and cherry wood tends to be quite similar. However, the hue of the latter is going to deepen over time, which, in turn, will look even better. The grain of this wood can be found in a curly, a quilted, and a fiddleback variant.

3: Black Walnut Wood

Black walnut wood is currently ruling the core fashion trend. And why wouldn’t it? The more posh and darker appearance of the wood can get mixed up pretty subtly with almost any form of room decoration. However, the pricing of the same will be higher than the other options.

4: Ash Wood

A type of light-colored hardwood, ash wood is perfect for a minimalistic home decoration. It’s much easier to maintain due to the durable and modish look it comes with. Plus, as it’s a much more affordable option, it can be an excellent economical choice too.

5: Quarter Sawn Oak Wood

Oak is a more conventional form of wood used in residential furnishing. While it’s primarily used for an arts-and-crafts style of project, it can also be bought as a readymade product. Oak wood-made products offer a rather classy touch while featuring an affordable price tag.

You May Also Check: The Modern Desk: Style, Features & Costs

Why Should You Choose Wood as a Material?

 Choose Wood

Most people consider opting for a wooden product due to it being environmentally friendly. But in my opinion, the performance of the same can also be a contributing factor in this case.

Apart from that, wood also comes with a –

1: Decent Tensile Strength

The tensile strength of a wooden desk top is much higher than any other material. Thus, it can offer support no matter how much of a heavy product you put on it.

2: Feel-Good Factor

Due to our innate attraction to natural surfaces, most of us consider a wooden product to be the go-to option. Apparently, it can also improve your emotional state to some extent.

3: Excellent Resistance

Woods can resist heat and electricity, which is why they’re considered to be ideal for a PC. The structural design of the same can also offer more cooling than cement or metal.

Should You Go for a Wood Desk Top?

Like any other alternative, a wooden product tends to have its own shortcomings too. Like, it can get affected due to temperature conditions, humidity, and UV light massively.

However, on the plus side, it can offer more durability, flexibility, and efficacy – no matter how you look at it. And if you can keep the product in an indoor setting, polished wood won’t be damaged or affected in any way. So, why are you having second thoughts?

Go out there and buy whatever you think suits your homely ambiance. Make sure to focus on the types of woods you should go for – that’s all.

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Arnab is a Passionate blogger. He loves to share sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. If you want to read refulgent blogs so please follow RealWealthBusiness.

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