Struggling To Increase Your Essay’s Word Count? Follow These Tips

by Technology Published on: 15 October 2019 Last Updated on: 22 March 2022

Word Count

Whether you are a student, a content writer, or into writing, you know how necessary it is to reach a certain word count. And chances are, you are always struggling to meet the word limit in your school/college essay, articles, blogs, academic papers, etc.

No matter how many ideas you incorporate and illustrations you include, you are always short of words. And it is only frustrating to realize that the word limits it still unmet despite including every single detail.

There is a simple way you can improve or increase the word count of your essay. All you need to do is to take help from leading professionals that offer essay writing service. This will not only help you add volume to your essay but also improve the overall quality.

In case, you are familiar with such a situation, try incorporating the following tips to increase your essay’s word count without filling in irrelevant details.

Strategize as per word limit

Before writing anything, you must always consider the word limit first. If you know it has to be 1000 words essay, you can research and strategize constructing it accordingly. If you choose to type the essay, 1000 words essay could be 4 pages long if you opt for double spacing, while with single spacing, it would fit in a little over 2 pages.

You must pay attention to different parts of the essay equally. Extend the important part the most while keeping the lesser important parts small. Use tools like to keep a track of the number of words you have written.

Include Illustrations and real-life cases

If your supervisor or mentor does not mind it, you can include quality real-life scenarios and illustrations. Doing so will not only increase the word count but also enhance the quality of your essay.

You must avoid overdoing this though. Nobody would like to read a piece full of examples. People look for substantial content and not just vague examples.

Avoid Filling In Unnecessary

No matter how tempting it is to fill in additional irrelevant information, you must refrain from doing so at all costs. Not only it makes your essay unnecessary lengthy but also degrades it quality.

Yes, adding filler words is the easiest way to increase the word count, it is also the most frustrating means. The reader instantly knows if you have used such words and would not want to read your writing piece further. If you are a college student, your professor might not give you good grades.

Reread And Elaborate Important Points

As a writer, know what you are writing about. However, it is not necessary that the reader is aware of everything regarding the topic. In such cases, you can elaborate on the ideas and concepts to increase the word count.

You can also add more details to a sentence. For example, while describing a situation where your feet feel cold, you can write, “My feet are numb and tingling from the icy, chilly snow what was resting in the sole of my tattered boots” instead of simply writing, “My feet were cold because my boots were torn”.

You can also support your concept or argument with facts and quotes. Do not overdo this as well as it might make your essay look like just a collection of random quotes and facts instead of your original work.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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