Are Renewable Energy Sources Our Future?

by Green Business 28 January 2022

Renewable Energy

Fossil fuel usage has increased up to a considerable extent in the United States; nearly 80%. This is leading to rapid energy depletion as well as fatal effects on climate change. This implies that if not controlled on time, soon, the earth will be devoid of fossil fuels. It means, there will be no coal, no natural gas, and no petroleum.

But the positive news is that we have now shifted our dependence on renewable energy sources from fossil fuels. The credit goes to the alternative energy sources which are less harmful and cost-effective in nature.

Nevertheless, are renewable energy sources the future of our planet? To know this, you have to read till the end. 

What Is Renewable Energy?

The term renewable energy is on hype these days. Especially in terms of corporate social and corporate environmental responsibility, renewable energies are getting gradually more important.

So what are these renewable energy sources basically? These are naturally replenishing but have limited flow at a single time. One predominant characteristic of renewable energies is that they are capable of being renewed and never get exhausted. Some examples of renewable energy sources are solar energy, hydroelectric energy, geothermal energy, Wing energy, Biomass, Ocean energy, etc. 

What Are The Most Commonly Used Renewable Energy Sources? 

Do you know that renewable energy is also known as zero-carbon or low-carbon energy? Hence, these are relatively safer for the environment and society. The most popular renewable energy sources at present in the world are:

  • Wind energy
  • Geothermal Energy
  • Tidal Energy
  • Hydroelectric Energy
  • Biomass Energy
  • Solar Energy

Are There Any Renewable Energy Sources Which Are Not Really Renewable?

Although renewable energy sources get big fat Thumbs Ups from environmentalists, not all of them are considered to be fully renewable. For example, the material that nuclear power plants use for creating nuclear fusion is rare uranium. This is non-renewable in nature.

In addition, biomass energy is also a non-renewable energy source. These basically rely on biomass feedstocks which consist of soy and corn. This on the other hand contains carbon as one of the constituting elements. Hence, biomass energy emits carbon in the atmosphere to some extent.

Are Renewable Energy And Alternative Energy Same?

Renewable energy sources and alternative energy sources are two different terms; but is there a difference between them? We all know that alternative energy sources are those that we use for replacing the traditional and volatile ones. The definition of renewable energy is almost the same. The only difference lies in the fact that all renewable energy resources are alternative energy but all alternative energies are not renewable in nature.

For example, there are possibilities of alternative energy sources for being exhaustible. Hence, they cannot be called “renewable” all the time. Examples include biomass and uranium.   

What Benefits Can You Derive From The Renewable Energy Sources?

I hope by now, it’s clear to you that renewable energy sources have immense positive impacts on society. Governments of various nations and concerned videos are consistently trying to promote the use of these energies in various ways. This is mainly to bring economic and environmental benefits. Let’s have a look at the 4 main benefits you can obtain from clean energies.

  • Fossil Fuel Conservation: By using more and more green energy, it is possible to protect non-renewable fossil fuels from depletion. 
  • Slowing Climate Change: According to a concerned non-profit organization named SQM club, the primary cause behind global warming is carbon emission. A large part of this carbon output comes from the burning of fossil fuels. By increasing the use of renewable energy, carbon emissions can be stopped, thereby slowing climate change. 
  • Saving The Ecosystem: Wind energy, Solar energy, Hydropower, Bioenergy can save upto 7 million lives in the ecosystem each year. That’s why it is immensely beneficial. 
  • Economic Development: Creating more renewable energy systems could create more job opportunities in the manufacturing and installation plants.

The Ending Thoughts – Are Renewable Energy Sources Our Future?

We have elucidated the key things about renewable energy sources in the above segments. Now it’s time to answer the question which you all are waiting for – Are Renewable Energy Sources Our Future? 

Yes, in the long term, we can see it as our Future; in fact a sustainable, healthy, and cost-effective Future. It is because their usage is expanding fast and causing considerably less damage to the surroundings. Since the non-renewable energy sources are exhaustive and someday they will completely deplete, conserving them for the future is obligatory. Moreover, their myriad of environmental impacts also calls for a need to shift the energy model into renewable ones. Thus, we can definitely say that YES… Renewable Energy Sources Are Our Future.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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