Fun Facts About Alanya: Where To Buy An Apartment For Ex-Pats?

by Real Estate Published on: 21 December 2022 Last Updated on: 22 December 2022


Apartments prices in Alanya would be okay if you understood the many exciting factors of the city and the diverse places you could visit to enjoy your stay.

As a result of this, you find tourists checking online for interesting facts about the city and the best locations they can crash to have an excellent time. If you have been searching for similar information, welcome to this blog.

Here are fun facts about Alanya that you probably do not know before now:

For more information on life and vacation in Alanya, Read more on the official website Turk.Estate.

Fun Fact 1

The beach almost always stays dry. Do you know how water often retreats in the dry season and becomes fuller or close to the shores in the wet season? Alanya beach is an ever-radiant location with water close to the banks all year long.

Due to this feature, there is no time it is close to tourists who lounge in its sun as they receive the freshness of the skies and the cool ocean breeze. With the waters always alive and a warm temperature, Alanya never wants visitors.

Fun Fact 2

It is home to the famous Cleopatra beach. You probably have heard/ read about the story of Cleopatra, who allegedly received the Alanya beach as a symbol of love or a gift of nature. There is no way to ascertain if this is true or a myth, but the story is always told around the Alanya waters.

For many couples who visit, it is perceived as a good love spot to share quality time with spouses in Turkey. That’s quite understandable. Who wouldn’t want to lie on a beach once owned by a Queen?

Fun Fact 3

Alanya has some of the best fun spots for family people in Turkey. This is a giveaway fact. The parks present in this city are too many to count, and there’s always somewhere to go to as a family or with kids ranging from parks, children’s playgroups, kiddies supervised pools and mini museums, etc.

There are also great chill-out points with music and beautiful décor for romantic outings. This feature makes many people consider Alanya a great romantic spot.

Fun Fact 4

Alanya was formally known as Alaiye. As a newcomer, ex-pats sometimes need clarification between Alaiye and Alanya and wonder if both names refer to the same place. Alanya was formally known as Alaiye, and some websites still maintain the old name, hence the confusion. Even on the ground, some local shops still have some traces of Alaiye.

Famous historians tell us that the name changed in 1933 when a telegram sent to the then pioneer President of the Republic of Turkish misspelled Alaiye to read Alanya. Guess what? The president preferred that name and then rechristened the town. Is this news accurate? There are many myths about how the character evolved, but many people have considered this story probable and correct.

Fun Fact 5

Alanya is home to many historical buildings and National Heritage. The Kyzyl Kune is a perfect example of something of this kind. A magnificent ancient watchtower built for guards from where watchers can see many miles away from the city walls. This enabled the soldiers to form defensive strategies for repelling encroachers and plan for an incursion. The Kyzyl Kune is an excellent place to tour. 

Fun Fact 6

Unique historical places such as the Pirate and the Damlatash cave are other subtle wonders of Alanya city. Turkey has lived thousands of lives in one. At some point, it was the religious capital of the Ottoman power; it went from there into the custody of the Romans, pirates, etc. Some of these fantastic caves are formed naturally but interlinked at the point of entry and exit. For example, the Pirate cave and the Damlatash are interlinked. History shows that the cave was used to keep prisoners, especially women. 

Fun Fact 7

Many homeless cats frolic the streets of the Alanya resort. Just as you can see lizards and maybe birds somewhere in Venice, Alanya’s signature is cats. These slow and gentle creatures decorate the island and greet visitors with wide-eyed looks.

If you have ailurophobia (that is, phobia for cats), then you know where to avoid it, or you should check your proposed hotel’s policy on cat control before booking a room. If you love cats, then you will have a fabulous stay! You might as well become a cat owner after falling in love with one.

Fun Fact 8

The Alanya Teleferik. You can tour the Turkish city of Alanya with the Teleferik cable car. A ride to and fro this excellent cab is only about 28 Turkish Lira. It is a great way to see the city from a height that allows you to appreciate its beauty. People travel from one end of the line to the other, while some take the opportunity to make postcard experiences and snapshots.

Fun Fact 9

Try the Dim cave. Another historical point of call is where you will see beyond stones and water and instead feel the experiences of the past and how it has come to shape the future of Turkish Heritage. The Dim cave is one of the highly visited places. Tourists also enjoy food at a nearby restaurant called the Dim Cay.

Fun Fact 10

Lastly, see the Alanya Khalesi, the last remains of the Ottoman empire, consisting of mosques, ruins from castles, and stones from empires which tells the history of time past and the wonders of the era. Many tourists feel awe-struck by the location.


Conclusively, you can gather from all the information above that Alanya is an excellent place for pleasant experiences and a beachy feel. You may have to weigh your pocket before you set out for a holiday in the area; however, a budget may be acceptable because there are often viable and fun alternatives to all of the big names in the area.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions at SmartBusinessDaily and FollowtheFashion

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