What factors decide factors decide your black cab insurance quotes?

by Insurance Published on: 26 February 2020 Last Updated on: 27 August 2020

black cab

For every taxi driver, the most important thing is his car. It is there a sole source of income that needs appropriate protection. The most popular taxi in the whole British culture is a black cab. Most of the taxi drivers opt for Black Cab Insurance to get the best possible coverage for their business. But if you are new to taxi insurance then you might not have the faintest of ideas what they are. So, in this article, you would get the basic information about taxi insurance and how you could find the best one for your business.

What Is Taxi Insurance?

Being a taxi driver, insurance is a kind of legal requirement that you need to fulfill to operate your business. It can become a bit challenging for a person to understand the taxi insurance. The most important thing is they are the security of your car. They provide you financial support in case of an accident. There are numerous types of cover available in an insurance policy that aids in every unfortunate event.

Why Do You Need Insurance?

The simple answer to this question is if you are a black cab driver and the profit from fares is your sole income then you need insurance for it. For driving a commercial vehicle, it is the legal requirement to have private vehicle insurance. It is different from your regular car insurance. Because for the black cab business you need to take some special covers. Every insurance company is not providing these specialist taxi insurance policies therefore you need to research them. Using the help of a comparison site to take quotes is a very effective way to find the best policy according to your requirements.

Factors Affecting Your Insurance Quotes:

Before you start getting any kind of quote from an insurance company you need to understand some important things. Certain aspects decide your insurance policy premium. A detailed understanding of these factors would help you to recognize what makes your premium higher or lower.

Region of Operation:

Whenever the taxi insurance premium is calculated the most important thing is the area where you are going to provide services. If it is a busy area like the city center, then you are at a higher risk of getting in an accident which could raise your Black Cab Insurance cost. Most of the companies tend to provide regional quotes and they tend to exclude some areas of that region. But there is nothing to worry about a region excluded by one company that might be included by others. So always shop around and compare quotes for the area you are going to work in.


As a black cab taxi driver, you are bound to make more miles than any normal driver. The mileage you would be covering during a month is an important factor in your insurance quote. So, calculate the number of kilometers you are driving and then decide whether you need an unlimited mileage option or a limited one. if you are regularly covering longer distances then an unlimited mileage policy would be the best option for you.

Car Modifications:

If you have any kind of aftermarket accessories installed in your car you need to specify the insurance company before getting any quote. For example, if you have disability access installed in your car you need to inform the insurer. If you failed to do so then it would invalidate your insurance in an event of a claim.

Driving License Qualification:

For the operation of a commercial vehicle, you need to have some specific driving license. If you fulfill all the legal requirements, then your drive experience would determine the insurance quote.

The best method is to take online quotes from different websites to find the best insurance policy. However, cubit insurance is one of the most popular insurance providers in the UK. Do check out their insurance policies and then make any decision.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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