Why Should Every Business Work On Improving Employee Recognition At The Workplace?

by Management Published on: 23 February 2019 Last Updated on: 19 August 2023

Employee Recognition

Behind a successful business, there are happy employees. No business reaches a greater height without an efficient division of labor between the employer and the employees, more so, an active and communication relationship within the company.

All these are good for a business, but nothing makes an employee happier than employee recognition!

Employee recognition in the workplace increases the employee’s productivity, and consequently, increases the productivity of the business.

What is employee recognition? Employee recognition is the direct acknowledgment of the massive input of an employee to the success of the business.

Employee recognition can be in the form of feedback for a good job, and gestures. Also, the business can recognize an employee’s effort through bonuses, salary increases, etc.

The sole purpose of employee recognition is to encourage hard work, commitment, and ethical behavior among employees.

While some business believes in stringent measure to get the best from employees, every company should focus more on improving employee recognition- this is an effective way to make employees happy and productive, and business will thrive with happy employees!

It is worth pointing out that employee recognition is not limited to an employee. All the employees can gain attention for their collective effort towards the completion of a project or during the company’s anniversary.

Reasons why employee recognition is essential.

To Improve the Happiness of Employees

Employee recognition makes employees happier, thus, increasing the efficiency and efficacy of the employee towards the business.

The recognition creates a feeling of happiness in the employee that comes from the inner perception that the company values the employee. It will help to increase their productivity, as a result, increase the productivity of the business.

Boost the Confidence of the Employee

When a business owner recognizes the input of employees, it boosts their morale to go all out for the company, thereby yielding excellent results for the company.

The recognition doesn’t have to be large; just a sincere thank you for the employee’s job well done is enough to recognize an employee.

In fact, a business owner should show optimal concern for the well-being of the staff more than the result. It is a fact; if the employee is in a state of optimal well-being, then the result will follow.

So, before the business day ends, remember to ask about the employee affair this will show that you care for them, in return, reciprocate the same care to your business.

Turnover Rate

An employee has the liberty to stay or leave a company depending on the environment that constitutes the business.

The business owner can’t decide this, but employee recognition can settle for the employee to stay.

A business with a high turnover rate will be at risk of losing its productivity because over time staffs become part of the business, so recruiting a new set of workers will take another cycle to fully integrate them into the market, which might cause the company a lot.

To retain your best brains, work on employee recognition as a medium to make them understand how much the company values their input.

As a word of caution, don’t recognize employees with the mindset of staff retention, even if that should be the outcome, give the recognition as an act of appreciation.

Enhance self-improvement

employee’s improvement

Employee recognition is not just about bonuses, incentives, and awards, but also creating an opportunity for the employee’s improvement.

You can appreciate certain staff by sending them on training, workshop, or seminar to increase their knowledge concerning the business with the expenses duly paid.

Though this is an appreciation technique, it is also a medium to use the latest findings on the business sector to improve the business.

Moreover, this method will trigger other employees to improve their productivity for them to get the same opportunity, and the number of training or seminar attended by an employee should be a deciding factor for promotion.

The ways to recognize employees

1. Bonuses

You can appreciate your employees through bonuses such as monetary bonuses. Monetary rewards will trigger them to increase their input, because it makes employees come to the realization of the result of their hard work, to the extent they would want to double their effort to achieve a better result.

2. Use branded gifts

branded gifts

Another way to appreciate employees is through branded gifts. The branded gifts include a pen, shirt, cap, etc. The branded gift, though looks small, is enough to transmit the message of employee recognition to the staff.

3. Increase in salary


An increase in salary is an excellent way to recognize the effort of employees. You don’t need to increase the wage by appreciation, but, you shouldn’t delay the increase when the time arises. Moreover, this will improve employee retention, and you won’t be afraid of losing them to competitors.

4. Custom employee recognition pins

How custom employee recognition pins can improve recognition? You can recognize employees through the employee recognition lapel pins. Custom employee recognition pins are not just stylish, but also an excellent piece to acknowledge the effort of employees.

You can take advantage of various customized designs and styles of custom employee recognition pins to appreciate your staff.

It is a mode of showing special recognition to an outstanding employee. And you can get attractive, affordable, authentic, and quality employee recognition pins from Vivipins.

You can likewise use the custom lapel pins to celebrate the employee’s achievements during the company’s anniversary, completion of a successful project, or as a birthday gift to an employee.

Other ways to recognize employees include gestures and sincere feedback.


Improving employee recognition in the workplace is the pathway to enhance your business. The essence of employee recognition is to make employees happier, boost morale, and increase employee productivity, hence, improving business productivity.

You can use bonuses, branded gifts, and real feedback to recognize employees. And you can likewise consider custom employee recognition pins for employee recognition, which you can get from Vivipins.

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to business and marketing, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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