Best ATV Mods for Small Women

by Automotive Published on: 19 December 2019 Last Updated on: 16 March 2020

Most quad owners are looking for high-performance mods from aftermarket exhausts to the top ATV tires on sale. Smaller women are doing the same but in their case its adjusting machines designed for men and teens to fit their bodies. Quad riding is for everyone, so don’t let your height or weight stop you from doing something that you love.

These three mods give you clever ways to modify your ATV so that you can enjoy your next ride:

1. Nerf Bars

For shorter and lighter riders, maintaining a good seat is crucial for controlling your vehicle. No matter what your height, ATV footpegs are ineffective. When you’re hurtling down a bumpy forest trail, even the best women’s ATV riding gear can’t keep your feet on an inch-wide piece of metal.

Think of nerf bars as a way to supersize your pegs into something useable. Your feet basically can’t slip off your quad, so you always have solid footing. Installing these also allows you to adjust the height of where you put your feet. If your inseam is short enough that you have trouble keeping your feet on the pegs, this allows you to correct that.

2. Suspension

While this is a common mod for any quad owner, smaller riders tend to have inferior suspensions. There are two main reasons for this. The first reason is simply the nature of stock ATV parts. OEM suspensions tend to be adequate, but not stellar parts of your quad. The second reason has to do with your weight as a smaller rider. Your machine was probably made with the average American man in mind, who typically weighs in at 200 lbs.

If you weigh considerably less than this, you are always going to ride high in your suspension. A new kit not only gives you a better quality product, but it also lets you adjust your springs to better fit your weight. As a bonus, this great-looking mod adds better aesthetics to your ride.

3. Lowering Kit

While this is usually the first solution shorter women are drawn to, it should be your last resort. That isn’t to say you shouldn’t install one, but you should consider the pros and cons before you do. The biggest pro is fairly obvious: you end up with an ATV more in proportion with your frame. Another advantage is the lower center of mass, which helps prevent rollovers.

The con you should keep in mind is that you have dramatically altered the geometry of your machine. You haven’t made your quad smaller, you have only shortened a few parts of it. The new lines of pull not only affect the performance of your machine, but they could also potentially reduce the lifespan of your clutch, drive belt, and other parts.

While quad riding can be difficult for shorter riders, new mods can make it easier. You should also remember that well-made women’s ATV riding gear can also give you better control over your machine. Grab some exceptional parts from a superior online store to make your ATV feel like a completely new vehicle.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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