7 Account Based Marketing Tactics That Will Help Increase Your ROI

by Marketing Published on: 02 July 2018 Last Updated on: 26 September 2024

Marketing Tactics

According to a recent study, account-based marketing is making major waves in the advertising industry. The study found that over 70% of B2B marketers were seriously ramping up ABM specific programs.

Many of these companies are reporting that account-based marketing programs are delivering significant returns on investment, potentially higher than any other marketing approach currently employed.

So why isn’t your business using account-based marketing? Getting started implementing ABM strategy can be easy and cost-effective. The goal of ABM is to simply create an aligned sales and marketing process that builds relationships with a specific and targeted set of accounts.

Read on, and we’ll discuss seven account-based marketing tactics that make a huge difference for your business in the coming year.

1. Define Your Strategic Accounts :

Marketers are used to defining certain personality types in their demographic breakdowns, but account-based marketing isn’t the place for that kind of thinking.

ABM strategy is instead about marketing to the whole of an organization rather than to an individual. This is an important distinction. It’s critical to understand it when designing a proper account-based marketing strategy or else you can start off on the wrong foot.

Look at your business’ data to identify organizations that bring in the most monthly revenue for you. Recognize what industry they arise from, their location, their annual income. You should look for these traits in other accounts you go after. If you’re having trouble identifying and building a strategy, there are programs such as MRP that can help.

Thoroughly defining your target is an essential first step in building a strategy. You can’t create a proper ABM strategy without knowing your target in detail.

2. Develop Prospect-Specific Offers :

There is usually a small number of accounts in a typical ABM program. This makes maintaining a high conversion rate even more critical than normal.

The most efficient way to do this is by offering incredibly specific marketing efforts. Creating offers that are built specifically for target accounts can drive high rates of conversion. A social analytics company, for example, may create social media breakdowns designed explicitly for their prospective client, using data specific to that client.

This work is so specific to that company that most potential buyers will click through and convert out of particular interest and curiosity.

3. Personalize Web Experiences :

There are other strategies you can take to keep specific and keep conversion rates high. One way is to create personalized landing pages on your website for the major organizations that you’re targeting.

These personalized web pages are easy and quick to make but will catch the eye of a potential buyer much easier. There should be a custom copy, images, and offers available on this page to match the interests of your target.

With a little luck, this personalization can make a huge difference in your conversion rate.

4. Understand Your Target’s Web Use :

The research and content you’ve created will be useless if you can’t manage to get in front of the eyes of your target clients. You need to understand where these organizations spend their time online, and what they may be looking at or for when they’re on sites varying from Facebook to LinkedIn.

The sites your target spends the most time on likely depends on what they do. A graphic design firm probably spends more time on Pinterest than a group of financial executives, for example.

Understanding where your target spends time can help you to decide when and how to deploy digital marketing tactics. These tactics should be specifically focused to cover the web activity of your target client.

5. Spin Your Marketing As Education :

If you can discover what your potential client wants to know, you can help make yourself part of the answer.

Using educational content such as blog posts, guides, infographics or workbooks, can be a great way to attract target organizations if properly executed. You can even, depending on the subject of your posts, weave mention of your target company into the flow of information you’re presenting.

This can provoke potential conversation and interaction with your target client without the pressure of a sales environment.

6. Direct E-Mail Target Account Contacts :

This one can be hugely effective but also tricky. A well done direct email gets the attention of a target organization’s contact by being personal and direct without feeling intrusive and spammy. That’s a fine line.

An e-mail that contains or mentioned too much personal information about the contact can be intrusive and even a little creepy. It is better to make sure that these emails are filled with creative and helpful content that can apply to the contact’s life and work. These emails if done concisely and with precision, can create a high conversion rate among potential target clients.

It should go without saying, but the other way to tank this strategy would be to send too many e-mails. This is an easy way to end up in the spam folder instead of in your target client’s mind.

7. Observe Social Media Behaviors :

In deciding what type of content to deploy to attract your target client, you may be forgetting one huge source of information: social media.

If you follow your target client and the key decision makers from that organization on sites like Facebook, Twitter, or even Instagram, you can start to get a sense of what kind of content they interact with. A large recurrence of blog post liking and retweeting, for example, may indicate that an informative blog post may be the best way to reach them.

Social media interactions also provide a great informal way to start building a relationship with a potential client before things have to get too stuffy and serious.

Use These Account Based Marketing Tactics :

ABM marketing is benefiting hugely from the amount of information available on the internet. There’s a reason that so many businesses are rushing to implement more account-based marketing tactics in there work, and a reason that your business should be doing so as well. With a proper ABM strategy, you could see ROI rise and your business grow in no time.

Check out our blog for more advice, tips, and tricks for your business.

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Author Bio: Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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