7 Website Design Tactics for Creating a Stunning Homepage

by Technology Published on: 11 April 2018 Last Updated on: 26 July 2022

Website Design

The homepage is one of the most important sections on any website. The way you organize this page will define your level of success online. Like any other page, you need to make this section of your website highly visible in the search engines. Users should also find the homepage to be quite appealing. This article will give you some seven website design tactics for creating a stunning homepage. The most important thing is to make sure that your homepage gives you the maximum potential when it comes to sales and profitability.

Website design is one of the most important parts of a successful digital marketing foundation. You need to understand that all your other strategies- SEO, Content Marketing, SMM, PPC, and others will bear results only if you have a well-designed and optimized brand website. This is why when you are looking to get your website made, you need to make sure that it is both functional as well as aesthetically pleasing. To know more about how you can create the best site for your new business, please visit an agency that provided website design in Missoula.

1. Give the Homepage an SEO Friendly URL:

Any Homepage will always have a URL like any other page on your website. You have to make sure that the Homepage URL is SEO friendly. The keywords you use should be relevant to the business. You have to make sure that these keywords relate to the business in one way or another. It is not wise to go for very long URLs and you need to separate them using hyphens. The URL you choose should give your visitors an idea about your business.

2. Optimize All the Images on Your Homepage:

The homepage should always have stunning images. The images should be placed proportionally on the homepage. However, the images will add little value to your website if you are not going to optimize them. Very large images are not also very good for your website. Maintain the image size at between 30 to 100KB and give them a resolution of approximately 72 dpi. The challenge with large images is that they will make your homepage to load slowly. As you create the alt image text, include relevant keywords in the logo images, header images, graphics, and buttons on all pages. Any reputable website designer in Melbourne can help you to choose the right images for your homepage and optimize them accordingly.

3. Give the Homepage a Responsive Design:

Make sure you design your homepage for multiple devices. In fact, a responsive design will help this page to load better in the search engines. The implication is that your website will be able to optimally perform on multiple devices. The homepage should have one URL for both the main and mobile site. Therefore, you will be driving all the links to one website and not two. There is no better way of increasing the number of external backlinks to your homepage than this.

4. Quick Navigation:

Don’t make it so hard for users to connect from your homepage to other pages within your website. No one wants to go through a difficult navigation process from the homepage. Easy navigation will help users to find what they are looking for with a lot of ease once they land on your homepage. You can either place the navigation bar along the left margin or at the top so as to ease the whole process.

5. Fast Homepage Loading Time:

No one wants to visit a homepage that is taking a long time to load. You will get a very high bounce rate of people to have to say for your page to load. Average mobile users wait for only five seconds while desktop users don’t go beyond three seconds. Use small images, enable JavaScript, enable compression, and browse caching to reduce the loading time of your homepage.

6. Social Media Integration:

Make sure you provide links to your social media pages on the homepage. You cannot run away from the fact that social media networks are very powerful in the modern business world. Include social media buttons to your homepage on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest among other preferred social media platforms.

7. Relevant Keywords:

You should not just develop the content for your homepage anyhow. Use the right keywords but be keen not to overuse them. You can use some of the keyword tools to know what your target clients are searching for in the search engines.


One thing you need to understand is that the homepage is critical to the success of your website and business as a whole. Don’t design a homepage that will end up confusing your visitors. It is wise to seek for professional assistance just in case you are not sure of what is expected of you.

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Author Bio: Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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