5 Money Saving Tips For Backpackers

by How to Guides Published on: 13 July 2023 Last Updated on: 17 July 2023

Money Saving Tips For Backpackers

Traveling the world is one of the best experiences you can have, so you don’t want to be worrying about money whilst doing so. Below we look at 5 money-saving tips for backpackers, so you can make your money stretch that little bit further.

Avoid Peak Seasons

Wherever you’re planning to go next, avoid peak seasons for the best deals. Traveling on a budget is best done when things won’t be as busy with tourists or families. For instance, if you are considering traveling to Australia, the worst time to visit would be between December and February. Do your research and find when would be best to travel to save yourself hundreds.

Consider Housesitting

If you’re looking for cheap accommodation, it may be worth looking into house sitting, depending on your destination. This is a chance to stay in someone’s home whilst they go away, and possibly care for their pets too. Some homeowners will even pay house sitters to do this.

To get started, try a reputable house-sitting website and get a few housesits before you go backpacking. This way, you’ll have a few reviews which gives you a better chance of being chosen to housesit in your chosen travel destination.

Pack Light

When backpacking, the easiest way to avoid baggage fees is by packing light. You’ll thank yourself later too, especially when you need to walk from one hostel to another. When overpacking, chances are you’ll end up leaving things because you don’t want to carry them or getting a taxi because you don’t want to lug your heavy backpack around.

Be Aware Of Hidden Fees

Reading the fine print is something that no backpacker wants to do, but it may be a necessity to ensure you don’t get charged more than you bargained for. Sometimes those travel deals look too good to be true, and it’s often because they’ll charge you a hefty sum at the airport for your baggage.

Also be aware of hidden fees when taking out money at an ATM, especially if your card charges for international fees. If you need help with money or need friends and family to send money from home, use a reputable website like Ria international money transfer.

Find Work

If you’ve found a place you really enjoy and aren’t ready to leave yet, why not try finding some work? If you’re willing to get stuck in and have a few different skills, there may be locals who are willing to let you live with them if you help out with their business or household. Depending on the country, it may be just as easy to go around local businesses and ask. Party hostels are a great place to get free accommodation and food in exchange for becoming a rep for the hostel.

By choosing the right season, looking into house sitting and job opportunities, packing light to avoid fees and taxis, and being aware of hidden fees, you can save money whilst backpacking abroad.

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Author Bio: Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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