4 Reasons Your Small Business Logo Is More Important Than You Think

by Small Business Published on: 28 April 2018 Last Updated on: 15 November 2022

small business logo

Do you think your logo is top-notch? Does it grab customers’ attention as you want it to?

Every aspect of a small business logo is important. Even the colors you choose determine the way customers perceive your business.

It’s more than just a pretty picture or fancy fonts, it’s how you want to represent yourself in the world of business. That’s why you can’t slap together elements of a logo and call it a day.

It needs to be carefully thought out. That’s why we’ll go over reasons why having a well-designed logo is more than what it seems.

Ready to find out?

Let’s get into it!

1. It’s Your Brand’s Identity:

Not quite sure your small business logo says everything about your business? One way to find out is to ask people who aren’t associated with your business what kind of feelings they get when they look at your logo.

If it’s the complete opposite of what your company is, back to the drawing board it is.

When customers see your logo, whether in an advert or on staff uniform that has been custom embroidered by Mato & Hash, for example, your logo should be able to represent all that your business is. If you’re a restaurant, food elements like forks, steaks, and knives can be incorporated. For fashion businesses, it’s all in the font.

Customers should be able to tell what you sell and who you are before they even step foot into your business.

If you’re unsure of what to add to your logo, you can look up logo design trends to help.

2. Establishes Ownership:

Having a well-designed logo means you have it going on. You’ve built your business from the ground up and it’s almost as if you put a stamp of approval on it.

That stamp is your logo.

If another company were to ever use it without your permission, you have the right to sue. While you may not want to participate in a legal battle, it’s one of the many perks of having a logo.

3. Consumer Loyalty:

Big brands have customer bases that’ll never diminish. Why?

Because when they see that logo, they know what they’re getting. Take Nike, for example. They make great shoes but also appeal to wider audiences like athletes and those who like to look stylish.

When you’re a small business, you can still achieve the same thing. Keep pushing out the same consistency of work and people will know it every time they see your logo.

4. Doubles as a Marketing Tool:

To get the word out, you may run a bunch of ads on social media. And while that’s a good idea, the focus should be on brand awareness.

When you’re getting your name out to the masses, this is where your logo comes in handy. One that’s well-designed should capture the customer’s attention and intrigue them to read more about you.

It’ll also help you gain the attention of your target audience. Whether you’re high-end or appeal to blue-collar workers, your logo should reflect that.

If you’re trying to appeal to the higher-end crowd, keep the fonts sleek and use minimal color. For the blue-collar workers, try a bold font with an equally bold color.

Why Your Small Business Logo is Important:

It’s more than colors and fonts. Having a great logo can be the deciding factor between failing and succeeding.

For more advice on running your business, check out our entrepreneurship category today!

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to business and marketing, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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