Why Every Lawyer and Firm Needs a Law Firm Website?

by Small Business Published on: 31 July 2018 Last Updated on: 18 October 2024

Law Firm Website

In an era where 1.8 billion websites have been published, there is not an obvious reason why a professional in any industry would choose to stick to traditional marketing tactics and not use the powerful tools of the Internet.


So, today we are going to be a little bit more specific and figure out why a lawyer or law business should publish a law firm website. Let’s begin!

1. Your Brand Gets More Reachable :

A site comes with a big privilege: Clients can find you fast and more conveniently. It’s the Internet and, in 2012, 85% of consumers have reported that they used Google to find local businesses.


If you run a small firm, you are competing with bigger players in the industry by using the right SEO methods to rank higher on Google. Conversely, if you run a big company, you are making it more reachable and humanized.


People are going to see the real people behind a brand name and the professionals they are going to deal with.

2. Your Clients Are Going To Know What You Offer :

You need to show what you’ve got. Most importantly, it is essential to show to your potential clients what they can earn after they hire you.

People want to know who you are before they give you their money.

So, if you list your credentials, your experience and the focus areas you work on, you will convince your clients to pay for your services without paying a visit to your office.

3. A Website Builds Trust and Credibility :

People don’t want to know just about what you have accomplished before they pay for your services. They also need to have trust and faith in you.


Add features (like testimonials) that will establish trust and let your new visitors know how they can solve their problems by hiring you. This way they will reach out.

4. Websites for Law Firms and Marketing :

Sometimes, legal practitioners prefer to stick to the past and traditional marketing measures. So, in an attempt to make the legal profession look serious they focus on printing cards, flyers, posters, and placing ads on TV or the radio.


Nevertheless, lawyers have to market their services online too.


Think about it this way. When you advertise on television, you are basically targeting every single person who is currently watching. When you place an Internet ad, and people can visit your website just by clicking on it, you are targeting those who are already searching for an attorney.


After they visit your page, all you have to do is make the right steps and turn them into your clients.

5. Stay Ahead Of The Competition :

When you are looking for specific goods, and you are walking down a street with stores that all sell the exact thing you want to buy, most likely, you are going to enter the one which looks more visually appealing.


So, a good website is, in fact, a factor for potential clients to determine which firm they are going to work with.


Just like we mentioned in point number 1, you can even perform better than the biggest player in the market if you hit the right keywords and rank higher in Google. But you need to have a great website to convert them to actual clients.


But how do you do it? By following our top 3 tips for top law firm websites.

4 Tips For a Law Firm Website :

Don’t get us wrong. Of course, you need to have a unique, amazing design that will catch your visitors’ attention and make you look professional right off the bat. However, it is not enough.


Here are some specific features that the best lawyer websites should come with:

1. Responsive Design :

It is the age of touch screens. Lately, people have been using computers mostly at work. When they are looking for stuff online, they prefer tablets and smartphones.


Responsive design ensures that the perfect user experience is delivered to every single visitor to your website no matter the device they use or their screen resolution. With responsiveness, you basically allow your design to reorder all of your content optimally.


Ask your web designer or your web developer for more information about it.

2. Attorney Profiles :

All the best law firm websites come with this simple, yet essential feature: Their teams’ bios.


In fact, on a law firm’s website, attorney profiles are some of the most visited pages because people want to know the bio behind the person they are going to choose to represent them in court.


There are five main elements an attorney profile should have:

  • Areas of practice
  • A great headshot
  • Experience and education
  • Relevant cases they have worked on
  • Notes about what makes them unique


Don’t fall into the trap of trying to appear more professional. Yes, you should look trustworthy and qualified, but you must look relatable too.


You don’t want just to impress people. But also get them to like you! Plus, it is as simple as publishing a law firm web page in a law firm website.

3. Client Testimonials :

Online reviews are a big hit.


People trust other people’s opinion. Especially when these “other people” have tried the services a company offers. Consider adding testimonials from some of your happy clients.


Don’t forget to list any awards or achievements your brand has won. It’s not bragging; it’s showing what you’re worth.

4. Blog :

Do you know what helps successful websites rank high on Google search results? Content. People always look for valuable information online and search engines try to deliver it to them every day.


Create a blog and publish legal-related material. This way you will both rank higher and establish yourself as an authority. Montes Law PLLC is an excellent example of how a lawyer can use content to shine.

But Is a Website Enough?

A website is the number one way to make money by using the power of the Internet. However, this website alone is most probably not enough.


No, we don’t want to discourage you. In fact, a law firm website is a great start, but you need to use other funnels as well.


Take advantage of social media, SEO, and online advertising to increase your odds of engaging more people.


Did you enjoy our story? Click here for more marketing tips and start making use of the most powerful tool of our times: The Internet!


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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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