1 in 4 U.S. Workers Will Quit in 2018 — Should You Be One of Them?

by Job & Career Published on: 21 August 2018 Last Updated on: 25 September 2024

U.S. Workers Will Quit in 2018

Turnover is a plague on American businesses — and this year, that plague has reached a 17-year high. According to recent studies, roughly one-quarter of American workers will willingly vacate their current positions this year, almost all of them in pursuit of better jobs.

Open and advertised positions outnumber the unemployed ranks by a wide margin, with the result that unemployment rates are delightfully low. If you are considering taking a risk and leaving your job for something with better pay, more prestige or other enviable benefits, you might consider making that leap soon — or you might not.

This guide will walk you through a few good reasons to join the one out of four American workers moving onwards and upwards as well as a few good reasons to stay right where you are.

Reasons You Should Change Jobs (or Careers)

“I hate my job” might feel like a good enough reason to hand in your resignation, but it is important to delve deeper into the cause of your dislike before you quit. If you don’t understand exactly why your current job isn’t for you, you are likely to repeat your mistakes and wind up in a similarly inferior position in the future. As you evaluate your current employment circumstances, you should determine if you suffer from one of the following resignation-prompting problems:


Your job isn’t teaching you anything new. Your job should stimulate your mind regularly. If your work duties fail to do that, your employer should challenge you with professional development or other initiatives to keep you engaged and improving. When you realize that you haven’t learned a new skill from your job in ages, it is time to move on.


Your employer doesn’t support you. Your employer should invest as much effort into you as you go into the organization. That means, at the very least, your boss should pay close attention to your questions, concerns, and feedback — and act on them appropriately. Even better, your employer should provide comprehensive benefits and a sufficient salary.


Your job doesn’t allow a favorable work-life balance. In America, it is common for employees to show their commitment to their employers by devoting 50-plus hours per week to their work. As you might expect, this leads to less time for rest and relaxation — which in turn produces burnt-out workers. If you don’t have enough time to enjoy life outside of work, you need a new job.


You want or can obtain a better job immediately. You might not be unemployed, but you could still be underemployed. Underemployment is when a worker is employed below their skill level. For example, if you have a bachelor’s degree, you simply should not be working in unskilled labor. If you believe yourself to be underemployed, you should ditch your current position for one more appropriate to your current qualifications.


Reasons You Should Stay Put

Not everyone is a good candidate for resignation. It is important to balance the reasons you don’t like your current job with the reasons your current job might be your best option right now. Here are some good indications you shouldn’t quit this year:

Reasons You Should Stay Put

You lack the education or experience to find a better position. If you are new to the workforce, you might be able to make a lateral move to a new employer, but you likely won’t be able to improve your employment prospects by much. Instead, you might devote your energy to improving your credentials, perhaps by working to earn your MBA online.


You already have an enviable salary and perks.

You should ask your current co-workers what they earn in salary. You might also contact similar workers at other employers what they earn, and you can research regional and national salary averages online. If you are making more than those around you — especially when you factor in benefits and perks — you won’t find anything better by leaving your job.


You dislike your current job for superficial reasons. Is the office too cold? Is your cube neighbor messy? Issues like this aren’t reasons to quit your job. Instead, you should talk to those around you to change the relatively minor aggravations and get back to work.


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Mashum Mollah is a digital marketing analyst, SEO consultant and enthusiastic internet marketing blogger. He is very much passionate about social media and he is the founder Social Media Magazine.

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