Type Of Your Business Affects In Debt Repayment Liabilities

by Finance Published on: 08 May 2017 Last Updated on: 16 November 2019

Debt Repayment

When your business runs are in the red for some time now, you will have your creditors standing in a queue to get their money paid. You will be searching for effective ways to make the payments but cannot find a way due to the financial constraints. In such a situation, there is no need to panic, as there are ways in which you can save both your business and your assets as well in the long run. You do not have to worry about the threats that creditors may give about legal actions against you or your business even depending on the business setup. Here are Type Of Your Business Affects In Debt Repayment Liabilities:

Type Of Your Business Affects In Debt Repayment Liabilities:

1. Taxes On Payroll:

Apart from your business setup, whether you have guaranteed any repayment of debt will also dictate the amount that the creditors will be able to get back from you. Most importantly, you can always file for bankruptcy to put an end to the problematic situation, but that should be your last straw. Moreover, there is a threat of the Internal Revenue Service which does not bother about your business organization and may hold all business owners liable for payment of any unpaid taxes on the payroll. It will not matter what the scenario of the business and the status of your business finance is.

Read also: Different Types of Tax Deductions on Property

2. Sole Proprietorship Business:

Your business can conduct a sole proprietorship business or a general partnership business. Any sole proprietorship business on the principle that you and your business have the same entity which makes you liable personally for all your business debts. In such a case all the creditors will have access to your properties and assets, have the power to confiscate it along with your personal bank accounts and checking as well to satisfy all your obligations. You will have to forego everything you have just to pay off the debt.

3. General Partnership Business:

On the other hand, if your business is organized as a general partnership business, then you along with all the partners will be personally liable for the repayment of the loans. Such kind of business organization is a bit tricky and worrisome. This is because any partner can bind the partnership legally into a business deal so that the business can go on to further debt. When the business does not have enough money to satisfy debts, then the creditors can turn to you and your general partner’s personal assets so that all the obligations are met with. You can visit here to know about the consequences of the general partnership business.

4. Limited Liability Companies:

If your business is a Limited Liability Company or LLC, then you can avoid the personal liability aspect while having to repay your business debts and therefore can protect your properties and other assets from being confiscated. This is possible only when you have not given up personal asset protection at any point in time without realizing it. This happens especially when you want to take a loan for your business from a lender, and the lender refuses to give it until you make a personal guarantee. When you sign away your limited liability, you make your assets available for the creditors to use for satisfying the debt payments.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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