Tips On How To Remove Amazon Hijacker

by Business Published on: 03 March 2023 Last Updated on: 09 March 2023


Amazon listing hijacking is a growing problem that threatens Amazon sellers. Amazon sellers who have suffered this know how annoying it can be. It wastes sellers’ time and money because it steals their sales.

In this article, we will provide tips on the various ways to detect and remove Amazon hijackers. Whether you’re a seasoned Amazon seller or just starting out, these tips on how to remove amazon hijackers will help you keep your account and product listings safe from malicious individuals.

Let’s start by defining what Amazon hijacking is.

What Is Amazon Hijacking?

Amazon hijacking is the unauthorized selling of another seller’s products on Amazon by someone who is not authorized to do so.

This happens when a third-party seller creates a listing for a product already being sold by another seller and begins selling the product under their own account.

Hijacking can lead to lost sales and revenue for the original seller and damage their brand’s reputation. Therefore, it is essential for Amazon sellers to monitor their product listings regularly and take action to remove hijackers as soon as possible.

On the other hand, an Amazon hijacker is a person or group who makes counterfeit versions of an Amazon seller’s products to steal sales and profits.

An Amazon hijacker is a seller of a private-label product without authorization from the owner or seller. They always sell the products cheaper than the original sellers to get more sales.

Common Methods Used By Amazon Hijackers

A common type of Amazon hijacking is an online fraud that occurs when an unauthorized person gains control of an Amazon seller’s account and product listings.

And there are several methods that Amazon Hijackers commonly use to gain access to sellers’ accounts. These include:

  • Hacking into an account using stolen or guessed login credentials
  • Exploiting security vulnerabilities in the Amazon website
  • Obtaining login credentials through phishing scams
  • Taking advantage of an Amazon seller’s trust by posing as an Amazon representative.

Amazon Hijackers also gain access to a seller’s account by obtaining their login credentials through phishing scams, weak passwords, or other means.

Once they have access, they change the account information, including the email and phone number, making it difficult for the original seller to regain control. They then take over the product listings and redirect sales to their account.

Once the hijacker has control of the account, they can change the account information, product listings, and sales information to steal sales and profits from the legitimate seller.

For those of you who are just starting in the field of Amazon product marketing, there’s still nothing much to worry about.

Hijackers only target accounts of very established sellers. As your product becomes high-profile, attention-grabbing, and it starts making good sales, you can be a victim of Amazon hijacking.

Signs Of An Amazon Hijacker

The signs of an Amazon Hijacker can be subtle, but it’s essential to pay attention to the following red flags:

  • Sudden changes to account information such as email address, password, or shipping address
  • Unexpected changes to product listings, including product images, descriptions, and prices
  • Unusual account activity, such as multiple login attempts from different locations
  • Unexpected changes to order history, such as new orders from unfamiliar customers or changes to order addresses
  • Unusual customer complaints or negative feedback related to product quality or shipping issues

By being aware of these signs, Amazon sellers can detect and remove Amazon Hijackers before they cause significant damage to their accounts and sales.

4 Tips To Remove An Amazon Hijacker

1. Report The Hijacker To Amazon

The first step in removing a hijacker from your Amazon account is to report it to Amazon. You can do this by logging into your Amazon account and going to the Report an infringement page.

You will be able to provide Amazon with the details of the hijacker and the products they have taken over. This information will help Amazon to take appropriate action against the hijacker, such as removing their listings, disabling their account, and taking legal action.

2. Change Account Password

It is always a good idea to change your password after discovering a hijacker in your account. This will ensure that the hijacker cannot reaccess your account.

Use a strong password that includes a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters, and change it regularly.

3. Monitor Amazon Account Activity

To prevent hijackers from taking over your Amazon account again, it is essential to monitor your account activity regularly. This will allow you to quickly detect any suspicious activity and report it to Amazon if necessary.

You can do this by reviewing your order history, checking your seller dashboard, and keeping an eye on any changes to your product listings.

4. Use An Amazon Hijacker Removal Services

There are also specialized tools available that can help you remove hijackers from your Amazon account. For example, the Red Point Amazon hijacker removal services can help automate the reporting process, monitor your account for suspicious activity, and provide additional security features to protect your account.

It helps Amazon sellers identify and remove unauthorized sellers on the platform and other marketplaces. The service works by continuously monitoring the seller’s product listings and identifying potential hijackers.

Once a hijacker is detected, the hijacker removal tool automatically enforces against Amazon hijackers. It can also work with the seller to review the detection and have the hijacker removed through Amazon’s dispute resolution process.


Amazon hijackers can be a serious pain and hindrance to your business progress. Following the outlined steps above will help to detect and remove their influence over your Amazon listing.

However, users have to begin to take a proactive and systematic approach. Also, sellers ought to learn to monitor their product listings regularly, respond promptly to any unauthorized activity, and use tools and resources to prevent future hijacking incidents.

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Author Bio: Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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