5+ Good Manager Qualities That Can Help You Be The Best Boss Ever

by Business Published on: 14 December 2021 Last Updated on: 19 October 2024

new managers

Being appointed to a position as a manager is a significant accomplishment for many professionals. Such a situation can serve as a natural next step in your career that can provide you with valuable experience. 

If you have hopes of rising through the ranks at the company you work for and progressing even more in your career down the line, your first position as the new manager is the essential part.

However, those who have never been in positions of leadership before can easily find themselves overwhelmed and intimidated when they are first promoted. 

Even though you know that you are qualified enough to get the job, it is entirely different from assuming the responsibility of managing others. You are not a slave driver. 

Therefore, chuck the thought of ‘ruling with an iron fist’ out of the window and learn about some of the good manager qualities you need to be a good manager. 

Good Manager Qualities: Best Things You Should Focus As A Appointed New Manager

3 Things You Should Focus As A Appointed New Manager

When first starting out as a manager, it is essential to take on only a little all at once. You will have a transition period during which you should be able to grow into your new role. Focus on specific aspects of your job in the beginning so as to get your footing and figure out who you are as a new manager.

With that in mind, here are a few of the more essential things that you can focus on when you have recently been promoted and appointed to the new managers’ position.

1. Supporting Your Team

You are not the only one experiencing a change when you first become a manager. The employees who will be working under you will also need some time to adjust to the new arrangement as well. It’s for this reason that one of the best things you can focus on when first promoted is supporting your team.

There are many valuable ways in which you can go about doing this. You can start by talking to them about what they need from you as a manager. If you are struggling to ascertain just what your employees need and expect from you in regard to support, consider implementing some helpful tools such as employee engagement platforms. This is suitable for the new managers.

2. Start To Learn  The New Things

Just because your employer has seen fit to promote you, it is essential to remember that you still have a great deal to learn. There is only so much that you can learn before actually being in a leadership position. You will find yourself growing and learning a great deal on the job, and the best thing that you can do is be open to learning as much as possible.

Even though you want to establish yourself as a capable leader, asking questions about your role is fine. The best thing the new managers can do is gain as thorough an understanding of your new position as you can. This might involve asking questions and obtaining clarification as you settle into your new role.

3. Communication

Your most incredible tool as a manager is going to involve communication to some degree. Not only do you need to be able to communicate effectively with your team, but you also need to be receptive to contact from your team. At the end of the day, being a good listener is an essential aspect of being a good manager.

The new managers are always given some time for the first introduction as these team managers are new. When you start communicating, you will know your teammates and their roles better. The more you create a professional bond with your teammates, the more productivity in the workplace is automatically increased.

4. Inclusivity

Being inclusive is one of the most essential good manager qualities you can have. It can help build a diverse and positive organizational culture that promotes a positive working environment. 

Being inclusive is all about taking in feedback from other people and understanding where a person is coming from. Such an environment would allow you to interact freely, which is an essential part of the whole deal. 

You also need to build your EQ or Emotional Quotient to connect with people emotionally, which can streamline the overall interactability of the conversation. 

5. Active Listening

Many managers believe that it is their job to speak and that employees should listen. This is an entirely baseless idea that can lead to scuffles and disagreements. 

Instead of always being the speaker, try to take it down a notch and start listening. However, this does not mean that you would simply listen and not hear. 

You should start practicing active listening. Active listening can actually help you become more inclusive and get more ideas. Do not see your reports as your ‘subordinates.’ They are your colleague, and they can bring valuable input.

Just be receptive to those inputs, and you will see some fantastic changes. Therefore, sit and listen to what your team is trying to say. It will only help you get the job done. 

Bonus Tip: Empower

As a manager, your job is to empower your teammates. They are your colleagues, and they can do better if you empower them. Empowering your employees comes from support. You need to be supportive so that your teammate feels that you have their back.

Empowering employees can not only improve the work environment but also improve the overall motivation and productivity of your employees. Therefore, you must learn how to be empowering so your employees feel confident.

One way to do this is to make a plan that aligns with their aspirations. Do not think of the company all the time. Think about the humanistic side as well. 


These three things are the new things on which the new managers must focus. When you are appointed to new managerial positions, 

You will not get the desired time for your team bond building. So, these three steps will help you and provide a better understanding of your work responsibilities.

Additional Reading:

Author Bio: Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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