How To Make A Smooth Transition To Freelancing

by Job & Career Published on: 26 April 2021 Last Updated on: 27 April 2021

Make A Smooth Transition To Freelancing

There are lots to like about going freelance. In an ideal world, you’ll be the boss of your own schedule and have full control over what projects you take on. You could stand to make some extra money too. But unfortunately, the transition from full-time work isn’t always guaranteed to be a smooth one.

The good thing is you’re not alone. It’s estimated that some 2.2 million Brits are currently working as freelancers, contributing £162 billion to the economy in the process. So how can you go about joining this growing community?

Read our tips on making the switch to freelancing below.

Get serious about your finances:

Budgeting is an essential component of money management even when you have a secure full-time job. But with less assurance over your monthly income, now’s the time to make your budget as robust as possible.

Reign in any overspending and, if possible, put away an emergency fund that’s larger than the standard three months’ worth of expenses. Getting credit might become trickier too, so look into alternative options like self-employed car finance.

Market yourself online:

Market yourself online

No matter your skills or focus, you’re going to need to create ways for people to find you and take advantage of your products or services. It could be worth building some foundations before you give up your regular job to help you hit the ground running when you do.

At a minimum, that’s likely to mean creating a website and growing your presence across relevant social media platforms such as Instagram or LinkedIn.

Learn to network:

As well as building an online presence, you may find it worthwhile attending networking events to start forging relationships and growing your client base. You may also find other people like you who can offer practical advice and share resources.

Many successful freelancers are part of local communities, so see if there are any events scheduled in your area.

Set clear boundaries:

While having complete control over your hours might be a major draw of freelance life, it can be all too easy to lose structure altogether and under or overwork yourself.

Treating your freelance work like a regular job at first will keep you on track while you’re still establishing a routine that works for you. Create a designated workspace, maintain regular hours, and try to avoid common household distractions.

Stay Social:

Stay Social:

You may have found some of your nearest and dearest friends while working as part of a team. Even if not, the buzz of an office can be easy to miss, so aim to stay social even while working solo.

That could mean meeting family or friends in the day or chatting to other freelancers over social media. By maintaining various forms of social interaction, you’re far less likely to feel isolated.

Freelancing can be incredibly rewarding if you can get it right. Follow the tips above to help you on your way.

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to business and marketing, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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