In 2018, It’s Time to Trust the Cloud

by Cloud Computing Published on: 08 November 2018 Last Updated on: 22 August 2020

Trust the Cloud

When the cloud-first emerged as a viable service for businesses — a place to store unimaginable amounts of data without worrying about buying servers or storing them on-site — many businesses said: “No, thanks.” To be fair, the technology was new and untested; the prospect of trusting some unknown entity with the entirety of a business’s data seemed outrageous. It certainly seemed prudent to maintain physical and/or digital control over the storage of business data.

Yet, over the years, certain cloud providers have taken massive strides in proving their reliability. What’s more, security companies have developed cloud security solutions to make clouds even safer from outside threats. Thus, if you haven’t yet invested in cloud storage, it’s finally time.

Many businesses are moving towards the Cloud as it helps in improving business productivity and efficiency. According to leading cloud service providers, 4d Data Centres, the cloud offers businesses the flexibility to access data and information from any part of the world. They further add it is the safest way to ensure the safety and security of company data.

Benefits of the Cloud:

Even though the technology is better than it ever has been, your business will benefit by moving some (or most) of itself to the cloud. In a report by Vanson Bourne, relocating to the cloud had these measurable effects on businesses:

  • 66 percent improvement in time to market
  • 63 percent increase in company growth
  • 80 percent increase in process efficiency
  • 18 percent reduction in operational costs
  • 07 percent reduction in IT spending
  • 76 percent reduction in IT maintenance costs

This is because the cloud isn’t merely another digital space for businesses to toss old and outdated data; it is a functional space that facilitates business in all its forms. Here are a few ongoing benefits of utilizing the cloud for business:

The cloud eliminates on-site data centers:

This is one of the more obvious benefits, but it is potentially a significant one. Less need for on-site data storage means your business can alter its office budget, acquiring a smaller, more affordable, or more chic space. Plus, because servers must be kept cool, you can save on utilities by relocating data to the cloud.

Software solutions are always up-to-date:

When you use cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS), you don’t need to worry about updating your software — or worse, buying new versions. Software subscriptions through the cloud update as soon as updates are available, which means you always have the most secure tools and the most cutting-edge features. You can double-up on security by installing a cloud security solution on top.

The cloud is always on:

You and your employees can work from any time and any location when your data and tools are stored in the cloud. Even better, professional cloud providers maintain a 99.99 percent uptime, which means there is less of a chance your company will be struck by costlyunanticipatedIT downtime.

Costs and capacities are flexible:

The cloud is not one-size-fits-all; you can find the exact plan and price to suit your business needs. Even better, you can alter your plan if your business grows or shrinks, so you will never have to suffer due to inadequate service.

How to Relocate to the Cloud:

The cloud is undoubtedly a crucial service for modern businesses, but that doesn’t mean you should be rash in your relocation efforts. Because there are so many cloud providers, storage and service plans, protection tools, and other options, you need to make informed decisions based on your needs and wants. This will avoid unnecessary costs and ensure your business benefits as efficiently as possible. To guide this process, here are a few questions you should ask yourself (or your IT team) before you make any cloud-related moves:

What is your back-end infrastructure like?

You need to be certain that your software, devices, and end-users are all compatible with the cloud you choose.

What should go to the cloud?

Some businesses can afford to keep email or apps local but want to relocate software and data; others want the opposite. You can divvy up your business’s workload however you please, but it should facilitate optimal performance.

What is your budget?

Some cloud providers are spendier than others. You can expect to pay more for more space and service, but you should be able to find some useful cloud capacity at any price point.

Do you need to add cloud professionals to your team?

Ideally, the answer to this is “no.” However, if you are acquiring a complex suite of cloud services, you might want someone trained in the cloud on-site to help during and after the transition.

The cloud is here to stay, and it has proven itself as not just an effective tool but an essential tool for modern business. The sooner you get started moving to the cloud the better, but to gain the biggest benefits, you do need to be careful how you relocate. With diligence and mindfulness, you should be singing the cloud’s praises in no time.

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to business and marketing, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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