10 Considerations to Make When Moving Your Business to New Premises

by Business Planning & Opportunities Published on: 15 October 2019 Last Updated on: 16 March 2020

Moving a business is a huge undertaking. It can require an adjustment period to get everything in place and everyone adjusted to the new working environment. While a move can help increase business and lead to more growth and success, it never hurts to take the proper steps and to be over-prepared.

For business owners who have a move coming up, there are certain things that need to be considered before moving. Keep reading to make sure that the business is fully prepared for the upcoming relocation.

1. Send Out the Proper Notifications

There are countless things to think about when moving a business. For example, do you need your machines moved? Area moving company’s services required?

However, before diving into these details, it’s important to contact the local, state, and even federal agencies to let them know about the upcoming move. For example, the IRS requires a change of address form, and there are other local and state notifications to fill out and file, too. Every time a business moves, the change of address form must be filed with each agency the business works with.

2. Business Name Change

Does the business move come with a change in the company name? If so, there’s a lot of paperwork involved. Changing the business name is more than just letting others know, sometimes the business will have to be re-registered.

3. Deduct the Business Moving Expenses

The costs associated with moving business are all tax-deductible. This includes the expenses that are paid to move inventory, supplies, computers, equipment, and other items. Keep in mind there are some limitations and exclusions to what can be deducted.

4. Hire a Third-Party Moving Service

Moving a business is a huge undertaking. It’s important to consider whether a third party should be used for this. If so, finding the right one requires time and effort, so start looking early in the process.

5. Coordinate with the IT Department or Tech Support

When a business moves, all the systems, and the entire network has to be re-established at the new location. It’s best to coordinate with the IT department to ensure that everything is scheduled. By coordinating early, it can help reduce business downtime.

6. Coordinate Updates to Website

The address on a business’s website and any other online presence must be changed. Be sure this is done in a timely manner related to the move. This will ensure customers remain aware of what’s going on with the business.

7. Purchase and Install New Signage

If the signage from the old business isn’t being taken along, be sure new signage is created and installed before the move. Making sure customers can still find the business is crucial to success.

8. Review Current Lease

It’s a good idea to review the terms in the business’s existing lease. What type of restorations or conditions must be met? Be sure to handle this before moving.

9. Specialty Moving Services

Some equipment requires specialty moving services. Find out if this is needed for any of the items being moved. If so, make sure it is arranged in a timely manner.

10. Prepare Employees

Make sure employees know their roles. Are they going to help with the move? Or will they show up at the new location when the move is complete?

Getting Ready for a Commercial Move

By using the information here, a business can feel confident they are fully prepared for an upcoming move. Be sure to use the checklist here to ensure there are no surprises. By doing so, any move can go smoothly.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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