The First 3 Things To Do When Moving Your Business To A New Location

by Business Planning & Opportunities 24 September 2018

New Location

One of the most important things to get figured out when starting your own business is to get the location right. However, when first starting out, you might find out that you’ve picked a location that either is in the wrong place for your business purposes or that doesn’t allow you the space you need to grow as your organization expands. In situations such as these, you’re now tasked with finding a new solution for your business location. This can be a big process to undertake. So to help ensure that you don’t leave anything out in this endeavor, here are three of the very first things you should do when you plan to move your business to a new location.

Understand Exactly Why You’re Moving:

Before you’re able to find a new location or building that will fulfill your needs, you first have to nail down exactly why you’re moving. What are you not getting at your current location? By figuring this out first, you’ll be able to have your priorities correct when finding a new place to set up shop. According to Mark Henricks, a contributor to, setting your priorities correctly will ensure that you don’t get lured into a rental agreement just because it’s cheaper or flashier than your other location. Moving is a big deal, so you want to be sure that you’re getting exactly what you need at this new spot without having to make any unnecessary sacrifices.

Insure Your Belongings:

Moving all your product and possessions associated with your business can be challenging. Especially since your livelihood relies on your ability to effectively move to everything from one point to another, it’s important that you cover your bases in getting everything there safely. According to Lahle Wolfe, a contributor to The Balance Careers, this means that you should get some additional insurance for the move itself. If your moving truck gets in an accident or things are broken or otherwise destroyed in transit, you want to ensure that you’ll be able to get those things fixed or replaced without having to take too much of a financial hit to yourself or your business.

Update Your Online Listings:

As soon as you start doing business at your new location, you’re going to want to do everything in your power to get the word out about your move so no one goes to your old location looking for you. To help with this, Carrie Hill, a contributor to Search Engine Watch, advises that you update your online listings as soon as you possibly can. This will ensure that anyone searching for you online will get the updated info about your new location and will be able to find you there. If at all possible, try to keep your phone number the same so that there’s at least some way that old customers can contact you.

If you’re planning to move your business location soon, consider using the tips mentioned above to help make this a little easier on your organization.

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Author Bio: Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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