How Smartym Pro Got Rid Of Out-Of-The-Box CMS Solution & Upgraded The PageSpeed

by Technology Published on: 03 April 2020 Last Updated on: 27 August 2020


How Smartym Pro got rid of out-of-the-box CMS solution

These days it’s so easy to get lost in millions of websites, almost every business today has its own web page. According to the statistics, 57.5% of all the websites are created via a Content Management System. The top 3 most popular CMS include WordPress with 63% of market share, Joomla and Shopify. The website of Smartym Pro – a unique software development company – has recently been removed from the majority of those using a CMS. Why? Because our team found out a better way to represent the content and as an extra bonus – upgrade our Page Speed and the search results positions consequently.

How To solve CMS solution and Upgrade the page speed

More than a year ago we have still been using WordPress for our website as our Content Management system. For many years it has been helping us manage the content on our website without any necessity to write any code so that even the employees that are not familiar with software engineering (marketers, copywriters) could work using WordPress. But as time went by we started noticing that the possibilities and features of this CMS were not enough (whereas additional plugins and design development is quite expensive), and moreover it seemed like our PageSpeed was affected negatively by the WordPress itself. In a nutshell, we came to a conclusion, that using a CMS is not relevant for our requirements anymore, it’s outdated. We couldn’t present our web app development services in a proper way.

Besides, in July 2018, Google has changed its approach to the algorithm responsible for ranking the websites in search results and the PageSpeed regulations. As a result, Google’s website ranking approach has turned to mobile-first with mobile PageSpeed being one of the most influential factors for the websites’ positions.

What did JAM Stack do for Smartym Pro’s website

Attempting to increase our chances of hitting the top search results in Google, we made a decision to change the way we present our website. We have transferred our website completely from WordPress to a so-called JAM Stack. JAM Stack is a solution that is represented by a group of technologies: JavaScript, API, and markup. Its main advantage that compared to a CMS it doesn’t load data from a database in Backend, JAM Stack doesn’t involve any server-rendering at all.

  •  Gave a positive effect on our Page Speed. WordPress gave us only 64/100, and with JAM Stack our website demonstrates 96/100. All our SEO-indicators have been positively influenced as well, which enabled as to get more organic traffic;
  •  The management of the website became much more simple including all the maintenance works. Besides, all the costs are now more stable and predictable. Hence, implementing JAM Stack has proved itself to be more cost-effective;
  •  Provided improved security measures;
  •  Presented scalability and feature-rich opportunities. Working with WordPress, we had to limit our wishes regarding the appearance of our website and overall presentability. Now we are able to present our software development services in a proper way.

The Bottom Line

The Smartym Pro’s team has been working hard to make its website look and work satisfactorily. Our main goal was to give our clients the best User Experience. So that they could get acquainted with us, scrolling through our website without discomfort. You can learn more about our expertise in solving design problems as well. So far JAM Stack has never failed our expectations. We believe that it will serve us as a great future-proof solution for many years further. And if you need a piece of advice on how to make your website look fresh. Demonstrate incredible performance indicators, we will always be glad to share our expertise with you here in Smartym Pro. Good luck!

Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to business and marketing, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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