6 Ways to Create Games Geared Toward Learning

by IT Services Published on: 08 June 2018 Last Updated on: 18 March 2020

In a world that is heading towards more technology-based learning, the idea of creating a video or online games that serve an educational purpose doesn’t seem as far-fetched as it might have 20 years ago. Gaming is not just about entertainment anymore. By implementing the right strategies, game designers can help a company increase employee work performance or even equip children with the right skills for future careers.

1. Get Players Motivated :

Implementing virtual gifts or rewards into a game can motivate players to complete certain tasks. This is the perfect gaming solution for companies who want to train their employees in new concepts or policy updates. By collecting rewards, players are motivated to reach the end of the game, and in the process, read all the necessary information which might otherwise be ignored.

2. Build Real World Skills and Historical Knowledge :

Games that help kids foster skills needed in the real world make even the most skeptical parents interested. Being able to read a map, for example, is something every adult has to do at one point or another. A game that is adventure or mystery based encourages players to practice map reading. The beauty of games is that you can be transported into a different time and place at the click of a button. Games that base their narratives, and perhaps even characters, on historical facts, can inspire children to develop a love of learning outside of the gaming world.

3. Offer Action Based Gaming :

Action packed games are often correlated with violence and negative influence, but they don’t have to be. When a game is fast-paced, it requires players to make quick and calculated decisions, which has been proven to translate into a child’s ability to make real-life decisions.

4. Improve Cognitive Function :

Sophisticated games require problem-solving and memory retention; these skills are invaluable and improve with practice. Games with developing storylines that contain clues in the narrative are great for building memory because in order to progress to the next level players have to remember what they read or even try to solve a puzzle.

5. Offer Multi-Player Gaming :

Multi-player games can be highly sociable and fun. They can provide people with autism the opportunity to practice their communication skills. By needing to work as a team or simply sharing the excitement, autistic players cast aside any inhibitions and learn to become comfortable in social situations. There are tools such as the Agora Quick Start Guide that can help game designers put together proper interactive tools geared towards making a positive impact.

6. Add an Interactive Element :

Interactive games can inspire physical activity. There are a number of sports-related games, from tennis to basketball, that requires whole body movement, which is a lot better than sitting on the couch!

There are many interesting ways that game developers can integrate learning tools into their creations. Being dry and boring is not one of them. Learning should be fun, and games can fill that void perfectly by engaging players with virtual rewards, compelling historical backdrops, and the opportunity to make friends.

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to business and marketing, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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