Why Startups Go for Virtual Assistants

by Startups Published on: 13 September 2019 Last Updated on: 18 March 2020

Are you a startup owner that has trouble completing important business responsibilities? Are you having trouble doing tasks but don’t have the manpower to do it? Then you might need a Virtual Assistant.

We all know that starting a business is not easy. Doing everything on your own is even harder. The first step in making your business flourish is understanding that doing all the work by yourself will negatively affect your well-being and the growth of your startup.

Hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA) might be the solution to your problems. Virtual Assistants are individual professionals that offer their services and can perform many different roles. If you’re a startup owner, here are some reasons why you should go for  Virtual Assistants.

You can focus more on what’s important

As a new business owner, your attention needs to be on the more important tasks at hand. Managing a startup venture and doing the core functions of the business would be a time-consuming priority, especially if you’re doing it alone.

Having virtual assistants you could manage would make it easier for you to focus on the major aspects of the business. You could just ask your VAs to do basic tasks like bookkeeping, data entry, social media, and so much more while you run the business.

You have more access to talents

In the traditional way of hiring employees, one would be limited to the available people in the area of the business. Sometimes, it’s even harder to look for talents when you need someone who has the right expertise for the job.

When hiring a Virtual Assistant, you won’t have to worry about the geographical limitations. You have access to professionals around the world and that means you have more choices and better options to find that perfect VA for your startup.

To Strengthen your weak points

Every startup business owner has their specialty. You might be an excellent cook or graphic designer but there are other skills needed when managing a business. Marketing, Accounting, and Bookkeeping are some of the things you need to do to run a business.

If you are not savvy in those areas, Virtual Assistants with specific expertise can perform those tasks for you. Having VAs that will do the unfamiliar work for you will increase productivity and give you more time to focus on the things you’re good at.

Reduces costs, in general

Normally, when starting or running a business, owners factor in the costs of operations and also the cost to have employees. They would need to find a balance between income and payables (operational costs, salaries, etc.) to earn profit from the business. And that is hard to do, especially for startups.

Hiring Virtual Assistants can help cut down those costs remarkably. Owners don’t have to worry about paying for office spaces, equipment, or additional employee taxes compared to the traditional office setting.

Flexibility on Availability and Payments

In a world where demands are high, having flexibility could mean growth for the business. Whether it be about providing service to customers beyond the regular 9 to 5 or the transactions between owners and employees, flexibility is needed to have good outputs from the business.

Working with a Virtual Assistant from a different time zone can ensure that customers will have someone to talk to every hour, every day of the week. Having VAs that can adjust their schedule to your needs guarantees high productivity while keeping costs low.

In regards to payments, Virtual Assistants only bill you depending on the hours that they have worked for you. Owners don’t have to worry about any other employee fees and this means that performance is maximized.


Creating a Startup business always has its risks and challenges. But, if you see yourself having trouble with the workload or executing other aspects of your business, don’t hesitate to hire a Virtual Assistant. Work with a Virtual Assistant today!

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Mashum Mollah is a digital marketing analyst, SEO consultant and enthusiastic internet marketing blogger. He is very much passionate about social media and he is the founder Social Media Magazine.

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