Tips to Market Your Own House in 2017

by Real Estate Published on: 14 January 2017 Last Updated on: 18 October 2024

Market Your Own House

The real estate market has been heating up in the past few years, leading more sellers to decide now is the time to put their home on their market. While most sellers hire a real estate agent to handle the process of selling their home on their behalf, not everyone does.

Some people opt to do it on their own, going the For Sale By Owner route. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this option, but ultimately you do save money on the cost of real estate commission fees, which is the primary reason most people decide to sell their home on their own.

So how do you market your home when you don’t have the resources of a professional real estate agent?

Research for Pricing:

One of the biggest mistakes many owners make when they’re trying to sell their home is that they don’t price it correctly, going either too high or too low, although more often than not they’re on the high side.

You may not be able to gain years of experience in pricing in just a few weeks like a real estate agent often has, but you can take the time to research and create a price that’s based on data, rather than feelings. If you make a mistake in pricing during the first two weeks, it can derail your sale, since that’s when interest tends to be at a peak level after a home goes on the market.

If you’re willing to pay the money, you might opt to hire a professional appraiser, although you can do quite a bit of research online if you don’t want to incur the extra cost.

Create a Highly Detailed Listing:

The content you use for your listing is critical. In terms of SEO, it can be what drives visitors to find your home, and it’s going to be a big part of what helps them decide whether or not they’re interested in looking at the property.

Try to include even the smallest details, for example, do you have something great about your backyard that would be appealing? Did you just pay for custom pleated shades that you’re willing to sell with the home? Is there something unique about the neighborhood?

If you don’t think you can tackle writing the listing on your own, you can hire an inexpensive freelancer on a site like Fiverr to do it.

Quality Pictures:

Along with the written listing, having high-quality images that look professional are absolutely essential. Your best option would be to hire a professional photographer to come for an hour or two and take some pictures.

If you’re set on doing it on your own, make sure you’re using a good camera with high-definition capabilities and take advantage of natural lighting.

Keep window coverings pushed back when you’re taking pictures, and you might even want to take pictures several times throughout the day, to see which works best in terms of lighting.

This list is hardly exhaustive when it comes to everything you need to know to market and sell your home by owner in 2017, but it does give you a strong starting point as you post your listing online.

Rea Also:

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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