4 Inspirational Business Leaders to Watch In 2022

by Business Published on: 11 January 2022 Last Updated on: 21 October 2024

Business Leaders

The past two years have been difficult for a lot of people, particularly in the business world. It has been difficult to keep everything going while maintaining a solid footing. Taking inspiration from influential business leaders to see how they do it is a great way to recover your footing and move forward.

The problem is that most influential business leaders do not announce themselves and thus you have to find them yourself. The good news is that we have put together a list of business leaders who we deem to be so inspirational and influential that you need to keep an eye on them in 2022.

1. Dr. Lisa Su

Dr. Lisa Su is the CEO of AMD. When she took over the company, it had been pummeled so much by Intel that it was on the brink of bankruptcy. By shifting all the company’s focus to their computer chips, Dr. Lisa Su has turned the company around, with shares priced at 25x what they were when she took over.

AMD has done so well under her that it briefly overtook Intel as the company with the biggest CPU market share in the desktop market in the world. We expect to see a lot more from AMD as there are a lot of exciting products coming our way.

Couple these new products with supply chain issues that have been dominating the news of late, it will be interesting to watch how Dr. Su and AMD manage in 2022.  How leaders and companies react to the supply chain issue, particularly with the ongoing discussion around “homegrown solutions”, whether microchips, food security, or another product will be something to keep an eye on.

It is certainly a topic to which we are paying attention and through our partnerships with Indigenous Tribes, Nations, and Communities for which we are providing a solution.

If you are looking to watch how a business leader addresses the issues facing their company and who has taken a business from the brink and made it one of the most profitable companies in the world, keep an eye on Dr. Lisa Su.

2. Warren Buffett

Although he is now over 90 years old, Warren Buffett remains one of the most important business leaders to watch regarding long-term investments. Although he seems to have relinquished some control over his company’s stock picks to two of his investment managers, his insights are still obviously included in the company’s 10-K filings.

Warren Buffett is widely credited with coming up with new investment ideas and insights that have gone on to become huge winners in the financial world. This has made him one of the most important voices in the investment world.

Many people have used his investment and stock picks to create unique and advantaged investment portfolios that have made people billions. This is why there is a section of those who compile what is known as “Buffett’s words of wisdom,” which guide them in their investment strategies.

The Warren Buffett model of unique and advantageous investments is certainly the model we follow.  All our investments are proprietary transactions, which has enabled us to historically generate sector or above-sector returns while empowering our Indigenous partners to expand or build needed commercial enterprises, which they need to build long-term financial stability.

3. Elon Musk

Although controversial, Elon is certainly a business leader who has been a leading innovator.  It can be easy to get caught up in the different debates that surround him, but doing so belittles the innovative products he has created in his lifetime.  By watching Elon, you can learn the drive, dogged determination, and focus it takes to navigate and overcome the hurdles of providing new solutions to the marketplace.

One product we are paying particular attention to is the low-Earth orbit satellite network.  Whether through Elon’s Starlink or others, we are particularly interested in whether this could be a solution for high-speed broadband internet access for Tribal Nations in the U.S. and Indigenous Communities in Canada.  If it can solve this problem, it will be a game-changer for these people in terms of education, communication, and commerce.

John Jurrius is the Chairman and CEO of Indigena Capital, a company that specializes in partnering exclusively with Tribal Nations in the U.S. and First Nation, Métis, and Inuit communities in Canada to produce commercial revenues to underpin Nations’ economies and enhance Indigenous self-determination while making sector return for investors

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Author Bio: Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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